In Creativity week, Year 4 looked at the globe and drew maps. These maps of the world show the different animals and regions around the world. This work is by Dinura, Stephanie, Alicja, Courtney, Jeremiah, Janelle, Nathaniel, Teddy and Adrian.
Year 4 interviewed people to find out why going to Mass is improtant to them. This work is by Zita, Pelumi, Mikias, Janelle, Courtney, Stephanie, Alicja, Dinura, Nathaniel and Rebecca.
In Science, we have been learning about the water cycle and looking at chnages of state. Thhis work is by Alicja, Courtney, Dinura, Dumebi, Janelle, Jeremiah, Kaycee, Mikias, Nifemi, Ore, Pelumi, Santy, Stephanie, Tobi and Tomisire.
In preparation for the RE topic of Advent, Year 4 found out about Christmas traditions around the world. This work is by Adrian, Alicja, Courtney, Joseph, Nathaniel, Rebecca, Tobi and Tomisire.
As part of the Creativity topic, Year 4 produced tourist information booklets for the Lake District. Thia work is by Adrian, Alicja, Courtney, Dinura, Jake, Janelle, Jenuska, Jeremiah, Mikias, Nathaniel, Nifemi, Niniola, Pelumi, Richard, Stephanie, Tomisire and Zita.
Year 4 learnt about the art of Collage, how it means more than just sticking down pieces of paper and how it has been used in different ways since early in the 20th century. Linking to the work on Carmen, the class considered how Carmen felt when Don Jose ignored her and how this contrasted to her later feelings for Escamillo. These different moods were recreated through the use of contrasting colours and textures as a basis for an image of Carmen.
The class have learnt how to talk about where they live in French. For homework they produced a guide to a French town. This work is by Adrian, Courtney, Dinura, Janelle, Jaydon, Jenuska, Jeremiah, Joshua, Kaycee, Mikias, Nathaniel, Nifemi, Ninola, Ore, Pelumi, Richard, Santy, Stephanie, Teddy, Tobi and Tomisire.
In music the children have been learning more about the opera Carmen, the characters, the plot and how they can become opera singers themselves and an honary member of the Royal Opera House.
They have learnt techniques including how to warm up their voices; perform freeze-frame scenes in preparation for the next song and how they can further express themselves through the music they have learnt to perform. They focused on how to breathe correctly when performing; how to sing together as part of a group; how to stay in tune; how to improve through rehearsal and how different untuned instruments can be used to enhance the music.
As part of our RE topic - People - we have drawn our family trees. These examples are by Adrian, Amelia, Courtney, Dinura, George, Janelle, Joseph, Kaycee, Nathaniel, Ninola, Pelumi, Richard, Tobi and Zita.
As part of their work on Ancient Greece,, Year 4 found out about the Greek Gods. This work is by Alicja, Courtney, Dinura, Janelle, Jayden, Jeremiah, Joseph, Nathaniel, Nifemi, Niniola, Richard, Stephanie, Tobi