Year 6
Welcome to the Year 6 page!
In Year 6, the children have a busy year as we prepare them for their transition to secondary school. They will need to work hard to become more independent in their learning; they will need to be less reliant on the adults in the classroom. They must listen carefully to instructions and also to each other, this will allow everyone to deepen their understanding of the learning. They will therefore need to respect each other’s opinions and view suggestions from peers an opportunity to improve. This will allow us all to work collaboratively so that we can all reach our full potential.
Throughout the year, we will working on how we respect one another. We will think about how we communicate with one another and respect and value our own wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of others. For example, our Mental Health Check-in board and Worry Box allows us to consider how we are feeling and to privately voice any concerns that we have.
When children enter the classroom, they are expected to be effective self-managers and get themselves ready for learning without adult intervention. They should be well-presented and respectful to those who may already be quietly engaged in a classroom activity. As the most senior children in the school, pupils in Year 6 are expected to be role models. Their behaviour and work ethic should give the younger children in the school something to strive towards.
The children are assessed in May based on the key areas of the curriculum (Reading, Writing and Maths) in the SATs tests.
Homework is based on the concepts studied in class and is therefore designed to enhance and reinforce their learning. It is also an independent task that each Year 6 child is fully responsible for completing on time and to a high standard.