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Our Lady's Catholic Primary School

Jesus the teacher guides our every step

Year 6 Mission Statement

The class agreed their Mission Statement for the year in September.


Jesus the teacher guides our every step by leading the way, inspiring us every day!


Mission Statement

Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School is founded on faith in Jesus Christ and the life of the school community is centred in His presence.

This is Year 6’s mission.


Overcome problems as a community through our joint belief in our Catholic faith, and a willingness to work together to achieve common goals.

Understand how God’s teachings impact us each day of our lives, inspiring us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Respect and love ourselves as Jesus taught us to; especially the younger children in our care as we prove ourselves to be role models for them.

Look to make positive change in the world by living out our class value of service to all.

Adore our individual nature, and know that we are all unique with precious gifts and talents that we should be prepared to share with all those around us.

Develop as mission makers through the guidance of Mary our mother to make our time at Our Lady’s the best it can be for all.

Yearn to love Jesus and forgive others like he did.

Support our parents and friends so that we can build healthy relationships that will allow us to be successful.
