Charity Work
In support of the churches local, national and global work, we support a number of charities.
Our local parish community
We support our local parish community, and mark our Harvest Festival with a Mass in which each member of the school community donates food to be shared among our parish community.
The Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion supports members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families. Our 2023 support for the Poppy Appeal for The Royal British Legion raised £249.36.
The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development is an international development charity who support those around the world who are living in poverty. They support communities with practical help, equipping them to thrive in the long-term, with appropriate tools, training and opportunities.
Our annual Easter egg raffle raised £316.81.
The Bits and Bobs club are a team of pupils who sold their crafts, and donated their profits to CAFOD. They have raised £75 for charity last academic year and will be continuing their work this year.
British Heart Foundation
The British Heart Foundation are a charity who fund research into heart health and surgery, ensuring that those in need of surgery on their hearts are given the best treatment possible. They also provide education on heart health and emergency first aid relating to heart related conditions.
This year our pupil led group, Craftopia, are donating profits from their craft selling business to the British Heart Foundation.
RE Leaders
Our RE pupil leaders have selected three charities that they would like to support this academic year. They are CAFOD and Cancer Research UK. They also wish to support Fr Henry to raise money to provide a year of education for children living in Uganda.
Local Community
Year 3 are hoping to work with our local care home by visiting them and organising an afternoon tea for them in the school.
At Christmas, they were able to watch our Nativity play and concert.