Catholic Social Teaching is based on the belief that God has a plan for creation, a plan to build his kingdom of peace, love and justice. It holds that God has a special plan for every single one of us, whoever we are.
To follow Catholic Social Teaching is to care for other people and the world that we share.
We all have a responsibility to do this.
Each class focuses on one strand of Catholic Social Teaching and they are as follows:
Reception Class – Stewardship for God’s Creation
Year 1 – Family and Community Participation
Year 2 – Rights and Responsibilities
Year 3 – Option of the Poor and Vulnerable
Year 4 – Solidarity and the Common Good
Year 5 – The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
Year 6 – The Dignity of the Human Person
For our Catholic Social Teaching day, each class created their own action plans.
Year 1 created postcards about their families, with messages of thanks for their parents. Next steps are to work with Year 5 to add to our Forest School area for the benefit of our whole school community.
Year 2 learnt the difference between things that we have a right to and things that we want. Our main target on our action plan is to work without disturbing other classes.
Year 3 studied how they can help the needy and vulnerable in the school, the local community and in the world at large. For the school, they are going to help the school council to recreate a quiet area in the playground. Locally, they will be visiting the care home near us to share our skills and talents. Finally, they hope to create rucksacks to help the homeless.
Year 4 created posters about the meaning of solidarity.
Year 5 began by learning what is meant by dignity. They then discussed what workers need in order to be able to work with dignity, they finished their work by creating posters to communicate the rights that all working people should have.
Year 6 designed and painted a mural showing their understanding of Dignity of the Human Person.