Healthy Schools curriculum statement
Our Lady’s Primary School recognises that a healthy school is one that is successful in helping pupils to do their best and build on their achievements. It is committed to ongoing improvement and development. It promotes physical and emotional health and wellbeing by providing accessible and relevant information and equipping pupils with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health based on positive attitudes and information. We will liaise with outside agencies to ensure all information is current and relevant to our pupils and staff. The impact of this programme is based on a whole school approach to physical and emotional well-being focused on these core themes:
- Healthy Eating
- Physical Activity
- Emotional Health and Well-Being.
The whole-school approach involves the whole school community including children, staff, parents and governors.
A healthy school understands the importance of investing in health to assist in the process of raising levels of pupil achievement and improving standards. It also recognises the need to provide both a physical, emotional and social environment that is conducive to learning. With this in mind. Our Lady’s will ensure pupils have a safe working and playing relationships and environment both inside and outside of school. We aim to provide high quality Physical Education and School Sport and promote Physical Activity as part of a lifelong healthy lifestyle. We will help children develop greater confidence, motivation, self-esteem and have the skills, information and understanding to make important life and health choices. To provide children with more choices as to how they use their playtime by the development of break and lunchtime clubs and activities. Through these children will also learn how to develop good relationships and respect the differences between people.
As a healthy school we strive to promote healthy eating to ensure our children have enough energy to last the throughout the school day. In the EYFS and Key Stage 1, the children are provided with free fruit and vegetables for a break time snack. Key Stage 2 children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack which they can eat at break time.
In line with Government policy our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are provided with a hot, nutritious meal at lunchtime. (See school dinner page for menus). Our kitchen staff encourage the children try the vegetable choices on offer as well as selecting from the salad bar.