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Our Lady's Catholic Primary School

Jesus the teacher guides our every step

Headteacher Awards

Congratulations to the following children for receiving a Headteacher Award:

Wednesday 15th May 2024



Joshua for offering service to all.  Joshua demonstrated this when he helped his friends learn about different types of books.  Well done Joshua for your kindness!

Raphael for faithfulness.  Raphael has demonstrated this when he made links to his knowledge about the Holy Spirit and made the sign of the cross in the RE lesson to show this.  Well done Raphael!

Alisa for offering service to all.  Alisa demonstrated this when she was willing to help others by tidying away resources.  Well done Alisa for your kindness.

Maximus for playing and exploring and for being willing to ‘have a go’.  Maximus worked very hard to make a marble run and, with the support of his friends, the marbles ran from the top of the structure to the bottom.  Super effort Maximus.

Amelie-Rose for creative and critical thinking.  Amelie-Rose thought creatively when she discussed a problem with an adult and worked out that the registration name on her train needed to be a smaller size to make it fit the space.  Good thinking Amelie-Rose!

Antonina for active learning and for keeping on trying.  Antonina cooperated with her friends to make a chocolate cake at forest school, and shared ideas to add decorations so that it had the correct number of candles for a birthday.  Super effort Antonina!


Year 1

Bukata for being an active communicator. Bukata works hard to explain his feelings and needs, using the correct vocabulary.

June for being a reflective learner. June is beginning to express more of her own views, opinions and preferences during our learning time.

Chiamaka for being an information processor.  Chiamaka knows where to find information around the classroom and uses it to help her learn.

Owen for being an effective investigator. Owen is beginning to ask more questions about the meaning of less familiar words in texts which he is reading. This is leading to Owen having a better comprehension of stories and information.

Noah for being a peacemaker. Noah is patient and prepared to go the extra mile in his learning and personal relationships. 

Elliot for forgiveness. Elliot has shown that he is able to accept an apology, knowing that we can all make mistakes sometimes. 

Oliver for being truthful. Oliver is open to receiving guidance and advice, using these comments to improve his work choices. 

Zion for forgiveness. Zion is beginning to show forgiveness for other children's behaviour choices, when needed. He is able to apply this to all aspects of his life. 


Year 2

Gigaloluwa for being a peacemaker. If there is a disagreement Giga always offers to shake hands once they have resolved it and will often encourage others to do the same.

Michelle for showing faithfulness. Michelle has taken care when listening to the RE topics and she will use the advice given and show this in all that she does whilst at school. 

Isaiah for being truthful. Isaiah has been telling the truth even when he finds this difficult. This shows he recognises how important this quality is.

Natasha for being compassionate. Natasha will always check on her friends to make sure they are okay.

Albert for being a pro-active social thinker. During Forest School Albert is always considerate of nature and other children.

Theon for being an independent learner. Theon works well and independently within a group and he is beginning to recognise when this is appropriate.

Oluwaseyifunmi for being an effective investigator. Seyifunmi has worked hard at building a volcano and trying to make it explode. 

Lochlann for being a creative thinker. Lochlann finds new ways to make things work rather than giving up, and he does this in all areas of his learning.


Year 3

Aniya for being humble. Aniya has been trying to achieve our Catholic Social Teaching Strand, ‘Understanding Rights and Responsibilities’, by being humble. Aniya recognising when she meets a problem, she needs to use her 5Bs to overcome this.

Amos for showing compassion. Amos always shows good manners and tries to be kind to everyone. He seeks to offer a helping hand to those who need it.

Joe for being a peacemaker. Joe has shown in class that he works well within a team and in group work. He can take charge but is considerate, helpful and mindful of others within his group. 

Ruby for showing forgiveness. Ruby has an open and giving heart that shows understanding and she is willing to give those around her a second chance if they do not always get things right.

Jasmine for being an independent learner. Jasmine is beginning to stay focused during learning and has become more independent when working.

Eloka for being a reflective evaluator. Eloka is beginning to reflect on his reading and is making good progress in this area of his learning.

Emma for being a self-manager. Emma has demonstrated this learning behaviour by working hard in her own time to improve her learning of her times tables and division facts.

Chidera for being an independent learner. Chidera works hard to share her ideas and ask questions to deepen her understanding, allowing her to complete all tasks to a high standard. 


Year 4

Eloise for being a creative thinker. Eloise is very good at listening to the feedforward advice that her peers and teachers give her and, as a result of this, she improves her ideas. Well done Eloise!

Annabel for being an active communicator. Annabel shares her ideas with the class and respects opposing views from her peers.

Tamsin for being problem solver. Tamsin is very good at understanding issues and trying to resolve them, giving alternative solutions.

Nosa for being a self-manager. Nosa works hard at all that he does and he makes sure that he finishes all tasks.

Jayden for being faithful.  Jayden has shown the importance of his faith and has led by example when saying prayers and in RE lessons. 

Joshua for being faithful. Joshua did a wonderful job in liturgical dance, being an exceptional role model. Well done Joshua!

Chidi for being compassionate. Chidi helped his peers when they did not understand something. He used his own time to help them.

Poppy for being truthful. Poppy is always very honest, showing the rest of her peers that it is always better to be truthful. She has been an excellent role model in the importance of being honest.


Year 5

Louie for being a self-manager. Louie works well independently in all subjects and has shown that he is a responsible learner by working hard on his handwriting targets and presentation.

Amelia-Marie for being a reflective learner. Amelia-Marie is working hard to improve aspects of her written work and is becoming a resilient learner.

Davina for being an information-processor. Davina shows excellent understanding of information in both fictional and non-fictional context, using more than piece of evidence to support her findings, especially in reading and scripture analysis. 

Amy for showing faithfulness. Amy always tries to do the right thing even if it is difficult. She is patient, determined, reliable and always shows reverence.

Savio for showing faithfulness.  Savio embodies our school values and treats others as you would treat Jesus.

Tessa for showing truthfulness. Tessa always does the right thing even if others do not and treats everyone equally.


Year 6

Cillian for truthfulness. He speaks honestly about his strengths and weaknesses, recognising areas for improvement and setting goals for personal growth.

Cian for compassion. He shows compassion by listening attentively to classmates, offering words of support and volunteering to switch seats to help restore harmony.

Stefan for forgiveness. He is able to apply wisdom and understanding in difficult circumstances, to forgive the mistakes of others and to be able to move on from it.

David for faithfulness. He exhibits faithfulness by faithfully supporting classmates and offering encouragement and empathy in times of challenge or adversity.

Kharis for being an effective investigator. She investigates a maths problem by trying different solutions and checking her work to see if it's right. She spends time outside of the classroom using different learning resources to deepen her understanding.

Mya for being an active communicator. She engages in meaningful conversations with her friends, listening to their stories and sharing her own experiences.

Isla-Poppy for being a problem solver. She identified a problem which was preventing her from participating in class discussions, and she took the initiative to seek extra support from her teacher outside of lessons, to help build her confidence and overcome the problem.

Stan for being a pro-active social thinker. He voices and advocates for changes within the classroom, and to school policy or procedures, that he believes will benefit all students.

Friday 26th April 2024



Isabelle for playing and exploring and for willing to ‘have a go’.  Isabelle worked very hard to make a sign for the café role play area and discussed her ideas with a friend throughout the activity.  Super effort Isabelle.

Zara for creative and critical thinking and for choosing ways to do activities.  Zara spent a long time thinking about the design of a hanger for a sign and she finally found a way that was successful.  Well done for great resilience Zara.

Mahira for active learning and for keeping on trying.  Mahira cooperated with her friend to make a sign for the role play area over a long period of time.  She made sure that it was large enough to be seen from a distance and coloured boldly for a better outcome. Well done Mahira!

Liam for being truthful.  Liam knows that he can make mistakes and is able to be honest about them even when it may be difficult. Well done Liam.

Arabelle for showing compassion.  Arabelle has demonstrated this when she helped her friend learn about different types of books.  Well done for thinking about others Arabelle.

Oskar for service to all.  Oskar demonstrates this when he is always willing to carry out any requested tasks and be helpful to his friends.  Well done Oskar!

Year 1

Joel for being a problem solver. Joel used his prior knowledge of insects to make links to our new learning about bees, asking many thoughtful questions to further his learning.

Owen for being a self-manager.  Owen was confident in choosing and using the equipment he needed when he created and labelled an image of a horse in forest school.

Vithushan for being an effective investigator. Vithushan always explores new resources and uses them thoughtfully to solve problems. During forest school he engineered a two level marble run, changing the incline to speed up the falling objects.

Angelo for being an active communicator. Angelo works hard to learn and use the correct vocabulary for our topics of work, like Easter, fractions, weather and seasons.

Tymon for being a peacemaker. Tymon is welcoming and inclusive to all in his class, never leaving a friend on their own. 

Varnikha for forgiveness. Varnikha has shown that she is able to accept an apology, knowing that we can all make mistakes sometimes. 

Chiamaka for being truthful. Chiamaka has the courage to do the right thing, even at times when others are not. 

Kameron for forgiveness. Kameron has shown that he knows we can all be wrong sometimes and is able to show regret for some of his actions, when needed. 

Year 2

Caleb for being an independent learner. Caleb has been trying really hard to explain his thinking when giving answers.

Kathy-Theresa for being a creative thinker. Kathy-Theresa has worked really hard in her project learning. She explores new projects and does not give up when it gets difficult.

Fidelia for being an effective investigator. Fidelia has been actively listening and making the right learning choices.

Gabriel for being an effective investigator. Gabriel has been actively listening and making the right learning choices. He has also been confident in sharing his ideas with the class.

Precious for trying to achieve our Catholic Social Teaching Strand ‘Understanding Rights and Responsibilities’, by being humble. Precious has recognised that all children need to learn so has been trying to walk around the school responsibly.

Anh for showing truthfulness. Anh recognises how important telling the truth is and encourages others to do so.

Albert for showing forgiveness. Albert shows forgiveness consistently and encourages others to do the same.

Isaiah for showing our Catholic Social Teaching Strand, ‘Understanding Rights and Responsibilities’ by offering service to all. Isaiah has been trying really hard to make sensible choices and be responsible.

Year 3

Promise for being a self-manager. Promise consistently demonstrates this learning behaviour in the way in which he effectively manages tasks he is given and completes them to a high standard.

Leonel for being a pro-active social thinker. During our recent St George's Day workshop, Leonel was an active participant by leading and working effectively with his learning partner.

Michaela for being a pro-active social thinker. During our recent St George's Day workshop, Alayna was an active participant by leading and working effectively with her learning partner.

Chisom for being an active communicator. Chisom has been working hard to remain focused during lessons and to follow the instructions she is given to enable her to complete tasks to the best of her ability.  

Alayna for demonstrating service to all. Alayna demonstrates this school value by always being willing to lend a helping hand and go out of her way to help others like the good Samaritan; in doing this, she has demonstrated our class Catholic Social Teaching strand, ‘The Option for the Poor’.

Chidera for demonstrating service to all. Chidera demonstrates this school value by always being willing to lend a helping hand and go out of her way to help others like the good Samaritan; in doing this, she has demonstrated our class Catholic Social Teaching Strand, ‘The Option for the Poor’.

Alama for being humble. Alama has shown that she knows how to be humble by becoming more willing to ask for support when she is unsure.

Joshion for being a peacemaker. During religious discussions, Joshion has demonstrated that he respects God and tries to live out the messages found in the Beatitudes. This choice in behaviour also demonstrates one of the Catholic Social Teaching strands, Peace, which is a cornerstone of our faith.


Year 4

Gabriella for being an independent learner. Gabriella has been working really hard in creativity week. She has been showing good attitude to learning in a group and getting involved in whole class discussions.

Amelia for being an information processor. Amelia has been self-motivated consistently all week in her learning and independent tasks and she has a wonderful attitude towards her learning. 

David for being an information processor. David has been self-motivated using different strategies to learn all his times tables! Well done David!

Poppy for being a pro-active social thinker. Poppy has been self-motivated when learning her times tables and the results are wonderful, well done Poppy!

Arabella for being a peacemaker. Arabella has shown in classroom that she works well in different groups, she can take charge, but being considerate and helpful.

Poppy for being humble. Poppy has been leading by example in her manners and readiness for work without needing recognition or praise. 

Arabella for offering compassion. Every morning that Arabella arrives at school, she greets her teachers and shows compassion by checking in with them with a big smile on her face.

Jayden for being a peacemaker. Jayden has shown in the playground that he is considerate to all his friends. He is helpful and mindful of others.

Year 5

Savio for being a self-manager. Savio is becoming a focused, responsible and resilient learner. He has shown great resilience to work under pressure to a given time frame in all subjects.

Freddie B for being and independent learner. Freddie B is working to the best of his ability and especially in writing , he is getting better at following instructions carefully and independently.

Simona for being an active communicator. Simona regularly participates in discussions and is beginning to talk confidently in a variety of situations across many subjects. 

Daniel for being truthful. Daniel respects both his adults and peers and treats them equally. He is an honest boy and will always be fair to others.

Amy for being a peacemaker. Amy believes in being fair to all and is inclusive by maintaining good relationships with her friends, caring for their needs.

Molly for showing faithfulness. Molly believes that we should treat each other the way we would treat Jesus, and developing her faith by showing loving respect to all God's creatures.

Year 6

Michelle for being an independent learner. She demonstrates resilience by persisting with challenging tasks independently, researching online and using books until she finds solutions.

Arthur for being a reflective evaluator. He reflects on his performance in exams and assessments, identifying strengths and weaknesses to inform his study strategies and target areas for improvement.

Alden for being an active communicator. He engages his peers in discussions about social justice issues, in relation to our Catholic Social Teaching Strand of human dignity, and encourages them to brainstorm solutions and take collective action.

Nathan for being a problem solver. He is able to use his initiative to solve problems that will help to improve his learning. 

Isabel for truthfulness. She presents information accurately during class presentations, citing sources and providing evidence to support her arguments.

Jane for compassion. She demonstrates compassion by comforting a friend who is upset about not understanding a topic and offering to study together to help them catch up.

Hattie for being humble. She shares credit with her peers for group projects, acknowledging their contributions and expressing gratitude for their teamwork.

Gika for faithfulness. She exemplifies faithfulness by consistently upholding school values and demonstrating integrity in his interactions with peers and teachers.

Friday 22nd March 2024


Reception Class

Ayana for being an active learner because she is trying to be involved and concentrating on her learning. Ayana is becoming more involved in class routines and will now sign 'good morning' to adults during self-registration.

Rosalie for being a creative and critical thinker as she is making links in her learning. Rosalie independently made a shovel and a seagull after our trip to Broadstairs. She used her first-hand knowledge to source materials.

Oskar for being a creative and critical thinker as he is making links in his learning. Oskar independently made a shovel and a seagull after our trip to Broadstairs. He used his first-hand knowledge to source materials.

Inayah for being truthful. Inayah truthfully said that she had already received her earnt tokens when an adult tried to give them to her again.

Maximus for showing compassion. Maximus is observant and sensitive to his friends’ needs and will try and comfort them or find an adult to intervene.

Zidane for offering forgiveness. Zidane is always willing to forgive his friends if they upset him in any way and will actively demonstrate this by including them in his play.


Year 1

Giuliana for being an independent learner. Giuliana is beginning to read many words quickly and accurately without needing to blend sounds in words she has seen before. She enjoys reading books more independently now for pleasure.

Luke for being a problem solver. Luke is beginning to identify problems during his project time, showing his eagerness to share problems and solutions he has found.

Chiamaka for being a creative thinker. Chiamaka is beginning to use her imagination to think of ideas for her projects. She can confidently talk to an adult about problems with her work and to find different ways of doing it.

Robert for being an information processor. Robert is beginning to apply prior learning in maths and to solve reasoning and problem-solving questions independently. He is beginning to choose effective resources for learning independently.

June for showing forgiveness. June is always willing to forgive her friends knowing that it can bring peace of mind and freedom from anger.

Chimdimma for being compassionate. Chimdimma always shares her time to lend a helping hand and goes out of her way to help others, like the Good Samaritan.

Ariella for offering service to all. Ariella has wonderful manners and uses them all the time. She is mindful of others and does not hesitate to help her friends in need. 


Year 2

Oluwabukunmi for being an information processor. Bukunmi used her knowledge of Palm Sunday to write a fantastic letter, as though she was there.

Michelle for being a problem solver. Michelle worked really hard when cooking her noodles, even when it didn't go to plan, Michelle tried to fix it.

Anh for being an active communicator. Anh is actively contributing verbally to lessons.

Jason for being an independent learner. Jason has been trying to avoid any distractions and manage himself effectively. 

Caleb for showing faithfulness. Caleb has worked hard to write a great Lenten promise. He is actively trying to keep this promise.

Peter for showing faithfulness. Peter is trying hard to show his faith in lessons and through his actions.

Theodore for being a peacemaker. Theodore has been noticed for actively compromising to allow others to join in. He is also starting to encourage others to do this.


Year 3

Dylan for showing compassion. Dylan not only demonstrates this school value in his daily interactions around the school but, most recently, in a beautiful prayer that he wrote in our RE lesson.

Darragh for demonstrating truthfulness. Darragh has shown this school value by knowing that his words and actions are his truth as to what type of person he is.

Grace for demonstrating forgiveness. Grace has shown this school value by being willing to forgive others and know that it can bring peace of mind.

Chimdaalu for showing compassion. Chimdaalu has shown this school value by showing a greater awareness of those around; she is becoming more respectful and becoming more willing to make adjustments. 

Amos for being a self-manager. Amos is a self-manager because he is always able to take responsibility for work and he knows how to be an effective learner.

Chidera for being a self-manager. Chidrera is a self-manager because she is always being able to take responsibility for work and she knows how to be an effective learner.

Stella for being a pro-active social thinker. Stella is becoming more confident in communicating her needs with adults and children in her class.

Annabeth for being an effective investigator. Annabeth demonstrates this learning behaviour by consistently making the right choices in her learning.


Year 4

Faith for being faithful. Faith is an excellent role model to her peers through her learning behaviours and general behaviour. She is consistently setting high expectations for herself and others in her contributions to class and group work. She is a very faithful member of Year 4.

Nia-Tyra for service to all.  Nia-Tyra always shows excellent manners towards her adults. She is very supportive towards her friends and never misses an opportunity to offer a helping hand to her class teacher.

Ivy for being faithful. Ivy has shown in class that she works well within a team and in group work she can take charge by being considerate and helpful. She is a very faithful and kind member of Year 4.

Abigail for being a peacemaker.  Abigail has shown that she can be a great leader for her team but being considerate, helpful and mindful of others within her group.

Mary Jennifer for being an active communicator. Mary Jennifer really worked hard in our English lesson. She actively contributed in group work and she is brilliant when we write independently too.

Desire for being a creative thinker. Desire has had some fantastic ideas to create the Easter Garden. She shares the ideas with her team and they did amazing work together.

Joshua for being a pro-active social thinker. Joshua has been self-motivated consistently all week in his learning and independent tasks and has a good attitude towards his learning. 

Maria for being an information processor.  Maria work very hard in RE last week and she has put great effort in to her scripture analysis work.


Year 5

Ire for being a self-manager. Ire is very organised and punctual in lessons. She is always ready to learn and uses 5Bs of independent learning.

Molly for being a creative thinker. Molly thinks creatively by exploring and experimenting with new ideas. She is very imaginative in designing and making things and she can link her ideas to different curriculum areas. 

Aiden for being a creative thinker. Aiden listened to feedforward advice and improved his ideas in story writing. He showed his creativity by using his imagination and was very descriptive. 

Isaac M for being a peacemaker. Isaac has wonderful manners and leads by example by showing how to be respectful and kind to others. 

Jeremy for showing truthfulness. Jeremy always answers questions honestly about what he can do and what he needs help with. He is open to receiving guidance and advice from both his friends and adults.

Tilly for being a peacemaker. Tilly is always welcoming and inclusive.  She has been very kind towards our new member of class, offering friendship at play times and she is a proactive and considerate leader. 


Year 6

Isabel for being a self-manager. She motivates herself to work well on her own and ask for help when needed.

Cillian for being an independent learner. He always puts in his best effort when working independently and is able to avoid distractions.

Anthony for being a proactive social thinker. He tries his best to be helpful to others when he sees an opportunity, and will advocate for his friends.

Matthew for being a creative thinker. He thinks critically and creatively and adds valuable contributions to class discussions.

Nathaniel for compassion. He shows empathy, generosity and kindness when he sees others are down. He is willing to make sacrifices to support others.

Edward for truthfulness. He demonstrates a good example of honesty, and willingness to tell the truth. He is able to be honest with himself in lessons and asks for help when needed.

Isabella for faithfulness, she lives by the beatitudes and embodies the school values in all that she does.

Maisie for being humble. She is willing to learn from others, demonstrates good manners and tries her best to treat everyone with kindness and equality.

Wednesday 6th March 2024


Reception Class

Charlotte for offering service to all. Charlotte has been helpful to her friends reminding them to make the right choices.

Jairo for truthfulness. Jairo has been working very hard at being truthful, even if the outcome may not be as he wants.

Ayana for faithfulness. Ayana has been working very hard at saying her prayers with the other children. She can make the sign of the cross, has praying hands and will do the actions accompanying the prayer.

Roman for playing and exploring by finding out and exploring different ways to learn. Roman used the cogs to make his own bubble blower, exploring how best to fit the cogs together to achieve the effect he wanted.

Alisa for active learning by being willing to have a go. Alisa is always enthusiastic in her learning and will challenge herself to try new things.

Jaden for creative and critical thinking by choosing ways to do things. Jaden has recently improved in his perseverance skills and will choose to persevere rather than giving up when he experiences challenges.


Year 1

Elliot for being an independent learner. Elliot is beginning to show determination and perseverance to use the correct vocabulary in his work and to say what he thinks.

Leo for being a problem solver. Leo is beginning to identify problems during project time and to solve them independently.

Oliver for being a creative thinker. Oliver is beginning to use his imagination to think of ideas for his projects. He created a maze out of Lego and used his imagination to expand his learning by adding details to it.

Noah for being a problem solver. Noah is beginning to apply prior learning in maths and to solve reasoning and problem solving questions independently.

Hannah for being humble. Hannah has wonderful manners and she uses them all the time. She is always willing to help her friend.

Joy for being humble. Joy always helps others, offers comfort and words of encouragement to all her friends in the class without expecting praise or recognition.

Freddie for showing truthfulness. Freddie has the faith to believe that what he is doing is the right thing, even if it is difficult.


Year 2

Joel for being an independent learner. Joel has been really focused, especially in his projects. He is also trying to complete a variety of projects.

Miracle for being an information processor. Miracle is trying really hard to transfer what she has learnt into her work.

Gigaloluwa for being a pro-active social thinker. Giga is trying really hard to think about how his learning behaviours may impact others and is beginning to change these.

Peter for being an independent learner. Peter is trying really hard to work independently, using his 5Bs.

Natasha for being a peacemaker. Natasha is trying really hard to solve any issues between friends and is beginning to ask for help in doing so.

Theodore for showing truthfulness. Theodore recognises how important it is to tell the truth, even when it is difficult, and is beginning to encourage others to do the same.

Precious for showing compassion. Precious is often congratulating people for trying their best, she also reminds people that trying their best is good even if they do not get the answer they were looking for.

Lochlann for showing truthfulness. Lochlann recognises how important it is to tell the truth, even when it is difficult, and is beginning to encourage others to do the same.


Year 3

Dylan for demonstrating service to all. Dylan demonstrated this school value on our school trip through his positivity and encouragement to others. He chatted with those around him and shared his observations enthusiastically. 

Scarlett for demonstrating service to all. Scarlett demonstrated this school value on our school trip through her positivity and encouragement to others. She chatted with those around her and shared her observations enthusiastically. 

Tomas for demonstrating faithfulness. During our time of prayer, Tomas is showing improving reverence and managing to maintain a prayerful manner.

Jade for demonstrating faithfulness. In class collective worship, Jade worked well as part of a team to deliver a thoughtful time of prayer to the class. 

Chimdaalu for being a reflective evaluator. Chimdaalu has been trying her best to listen to and act on advice she has been given to improve her work - this has been especially evident in her writing.

Maya for being a self-manager. In all subjects and across a variety of different tasks, Maya consistently demonstrates this learning behaviour by being ready to learn and always completing tasks in the time frame she has been given.

Leo for being an information processor. Leo has shown he has mastered this learning behaviour by being able to listen to and understand the instructions he has been given as well as supporting his partner and completing the tasks set.

Alayna for being an information processor. Alayna has shown she has mastered this learning behaviour by being able to listen to and understand the instructions she has been given as well as supporting her partner and completing the tasks set.


Year 4

Arabella for being a creative thinker. She thinks creatively and did a wonderful work on the last creativity topic.

Lucy for bring a creative thinker. She has very original ideas in how to present her work and she always tries her best.

Mason for being an effective investigator. Mason was able to research about Ancient Greece using a variety of sources and the result was a great final piece of work with his learning partner.

Jayden for being an effective investigator. Jayden was able to research about Ancient Greece using a variety of sources and the result was a great final piece of work with his learning partner.

Nosa for being a peacemaker. Nosa tries very hard to help all his friends when there is any issue.

Miracle for showing compassion. Miracle has beautiful manners, she is very kind and always ready to help.

Joanne for being a peacemaker. Joanne is working well in groups and she tries very hard to make everyone feel confident.

Desire for showing compassion. She is very kind to everyone and if she see someone alone she always runs to talk with that person and makes them go with her.


Year 5

Mikaela for showing compassion. Mikaela always shows good manners and she is thoughtful, kind and supportive of her friends.

Darasimi for showing compassion. Darasimi is a very supportive learning partner and will always offer help, comfort and words of encouragement, even if it is a challenge.

Maxime for being a peacemaker. Maxime always offers friendship, will share, forgive and tells the truth. He offers solutions to problems to create peace.

Maya for being an information processor. Maya is self-motivated and enjoys researching the topics of interest. She is able to record information using different sources and in different formats. 

Max for being an independent learner. Max is beginning to reflect and review his learning more carefully and acts upon feedforward advice to improve his work.

Godswill for being a reflective evaluator. Recently, Godswill has been more actively contributing to class discussions, expressing and justifying his views. 


Year 6

Aaron for truthfulness. He believes in fairness, justice and integrity, and will actively seek the truth in social interactions.

Kharis for being a pacemaker. She offers friendships to others, and seeks to be a positive example, regardless of distractions around her. She does not follow the crowd, but instead makes her own positive decisions.

Arthur for being humble. He is willing to learn from others, make positive connections with others, and he treats everybody equally.

Oma for compassion. She always shows good manners and tries to be kind to everyone. She seeks to offer a helping hand to those who need it.

Stan for being an independent learner. He reflects and reviews learning and acts upon feedback. He works very well independently and always puts in his best effort.

David for being an information processor. He is able to reflect on his learning, and understand areas where he needs further information. If there is a misconception, he is able to seek clarity and process the new information to find solutions to problems.

Maisie for being a reflective evaluator. She always has an enthusiasm for learning and is able to express her views whilst also listening to others. She is making excellent progress across all subjects in term 4, as she is able to reflect on her learning.

Wednesday 21st February 2024


Reception Class

Jaden for showing faithfulness.  Jaden demonstrated this when he used religious vocabulary accurately when contributing his ideas during RE lessons.  Well done Jaden.

Parisa for showing service to all.   Parisa has demonstrated this by being very helpful to others when collecting and sharing resources on the class trip.  Well done for thinking about others.

Antonina for showing service to all.  Antonina has demonstrated this by being very helpful to others when collecting and sharing resources on the class trip.  Well done for thinking about others.

Raphael for active learning and being involved and concentrating.  Raphael focused very hard on working out ways to build bridges over trays of water.  Great effort Raphael.

Charlie for creative and critical thinking and making links.  Charlie used his knowledge and understanding from a church visit to build different parts of a church at school.  He solved problems such as leaving a gap for the aisle and remembered that people needed kneelers for praying at Mass. Well done Charlie!

Joanna for playing and exploring.  Joanna was willing to share her ideas with others and find out ways to successfully build bridges over trays of water in forest school.  Great effort, Joanna.  Well done!

Olive for playing and exploring.  Olive was willing to share her ideas with others and find out ways to successfully build bridges over trays of water in forest school.  Great effort, Olive.  Well done!

Florence for playing and exploring.  Florence was willing to share her ideas with others and find out ways to successfully build bridges over trays of water in forest school.  Great effort, Florence.  Well done!

Year 1

Robert for being a peacemaker. Robert is beginning to seek peace from within himself by choosing to do the right things. 

Chiamaka for faithfulness. Chiamaka has shown that she is patient, determined, reliable and shows reverence during RE learning. 

Giuliana for being truthful. Giuliana has the courage to speak the truth, take responsibility for her actions and is gracious in accepting what happens next. 

Oliver for being humble. Oliver is willing to learn from others and is beginning to ask his friends for help, when it is needed.

Kameron for being an information processor. Through his project learning, Kameron is learning to collect information which he can use to further his learning.

Thomas for being a pro-active social thinker.  Thomas is demonstrating how to work in a group, listening to others’ contributions as well as sharing his ideas with friends.

Elliot for being an effective investigator. Elliot is always curious about new learning opportunities and loves to explore new resources.

Aylann for being an effective investigator. Aylann has been using 'how' and 'why' questions to help him complete his project learning tasks.

Year 2

Theo J for showing compassion. Theo took time out of his day to help a friend by showing them how to do up a top button and tie. He untied his own to do this and then congratulated them when they did it.

Kaiyah for showing truthfulness. Kaiyah always tells the truth even when it is difficult and recognises how important it is.

Miya for being a peacemaker. Miya goes out of her way to ensure that any problem is resolved, this often goes unrecognised because of the manner in which she deals with the problem.

Michelle for being a reflective evaluator. Michelle has been working really hard at improving her evaluations during project learning.

Natasha for being a creative thinker. Natasha has been working hard to take  more risks with her learning, by choosing projects out of her comfort zone.

Jason for being an active communicator. Jason has been trying hard to talk to an adult when he is not sure about something.

Fidelia for being an independent learner. Fidelia has been trying hard to share her ideas and work independently.

Year 3

Promise for demonstrating faithfulness. We were so impressed with the effort Promise made in learning the extra lines he was given for our class assembly about the poor and vulnerable.

Eloka for being a peacemaker. Eloka consistently makes positive choices in his behaviour and is kind to those around him.

Annabeth for being a peacemaker. Annabeth works well in a team and can be a considerate leader.

Bella for demonstrating truthfulness. Bella demonstrates this school value by treating all those around her equally.

Aniya for being an active communicator. During discussions with her partner, Aniya is working hard to ensure that she is being a talented talker by turning her body and making eye contact with her learning partner.

Stella for being an independent learner. Stella is becoming more confident in speaking to an adult when she needs support.

Scarlett for being an active communicator. Scarlett is beginning to become more confident in putting her ideas forward during lessons.

Jade for being a self-manager. Jade for consistently listening carefully to instructions and managing all tasks effectively.


Year 4

Mary-Jennifer for forgiveness. Mary-Jennifer understands other children’s behaviour choices and is aware of any difficulties, giving them time to show how to change.

Mason for forgiveness. Mason is able to accept an apology knowing that we can all make mistakes and move on from it.   

Joanne for forgiveness. Joanne knows that we can all be wrong and she is able to show regret for her actions and turn a bad day in a wonderful one.

Esmée for being an information processor. Esmée has been self-motivated consistently all week in her learning and independent tasks and she has a wonderful attitude towards her learning. 

Zachariah for being an independent learner. It has been very noticeable that Zachariah has been working really hard and to the best of his ability. He has been showing a good attitude towards  learning in a group and whole class discussions.

Abigail for being an information processor. Abigail has worked really hard this term in her English lessons and has put great effort in to her written work. Well done!


Year 5

Aiden for showing compassion. Aiden tries to be kind to everyone and he is always happy to help in class.

Simona for showing faithfulness. Simona always offers thoughtful prayers during reflection times and shares her faith with others to help them learn. 

Freddie B for being humble. Freddie has been kind and helpful in class. He works well with his learning partners and is willing to learn from others.

Jeremy for being an independent learner. Jeremy shows the right attitude towards learning and he has been working confidently and independently in maths.

Isaac M for being a reflective evaluator. Isaac actively contributes to class discussions and completes his self-assessments carefully.

Kanye for being an active communicator. Kanye answers and explains his ideas using full sentences and appropriate language in a variety of situations.

Year 6

Mya for service to all. She works very hard to achieve school goals, takes part in lots of different activities and collaborates well to lift up the group as a whole. She is always willing to step in and offer her creative skills when needed.

Stefan for faithfulness. He lives by the Beatitudes and embodies this school value in all that he does.

Asaya for compassion. She shows empathy, generosity and kindness when she sees that others are feeling down. She is willing to make sacrifices to support others.

Anna for being a peacemaker. She is patient and gentle, and she will always bring harmony to any setting that she finds herself in.

Isla-Poppy for being an information processor. She has made amazing progress in maths by asking effective questions to deepen her learning, and she has used new strategies that she has learnt to challenge herself and go the extra mile.

KJ for being an independent learner. He is proactive in finding ways to avoid distractions so that he can produce his best work. He is confident when working independently and will ask for help if needed.

Francine for being a self-manager. She is able to use a range of strategies to help her overcome a problem and can motivate herself to work on her own. She is self-confident, can cope well under pressure and is able to adapt to change.

Alden for being a creative thinker. He is able to respond to ideas, tasks and problems in unusual ways that are suited to the task. He applied creativity to class discussions in maths, and when reading in English, he can adopt personas in a creative way to bring the text to life.

26th January 2024


Reception Class

Florence for showing faithfulness.  Florence has demonstrated this when independently wanting to write a prayer for her sister when she was unwell.  Well done for being so thoughtful and caring Florence. 

Joanna for showing service to all.  Joanna has demonstrated this by making a drawbridge for the castle so that it could be opened and everyone could use it.  Well done for thinking about others Joanna.

Amelie-Rose for being compassionate.  Amelie-Rose demonstrates this by being helpful and friendly to her friends all the time.  Well done Amelie-Rose.

Inayah for playing and exploring and for being willing to ‘have a go’.  Inayah worked very hard to make a castle using wooden blocks and discussed her ideas with a friend throughout the activity.  Super effort Inayah.

Marvilyn-Cece for creative and critical thinking in choosing ways to do activities.  Marvilyn-Cece spent a long time thinking about the structure of a castle and what needed to be included.  She tried to build it in different ways until the walls with turrets looked symmetrical.  Well done for great resilience Marvilyn-Cece.

Parisa for active learning and for keeping on trying.  Parisa was willing to share her ideas with others and kept on trying different ways when building a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff.  Great effort, Parisa.  Well done!

Year 1

Ariella for being humble. Ariella always asks for help when it is needed, in order to move her learning on. 

Chiamaka for service to all. Chiamaka has shown that she can be supportive, collaborative and respectful to all of her classmates. 

Keyaan for being humble. Keyaan is learning to ask for help when it is needed and also to learn from peers who offer him advice. 

Luke for showing compassion. Luke will share kindly with others, sharing resources and also his ideas.

Zion for being an information processor. Through his project learning, Zion is beginning to collect information which he can use to further his learning.

Joy for being a pro-active social thinker.  Joy works hard to overcome problems and has a good attitude to sharing her new ideas with friends.

Aylann for being a reflective evaluator. Aylann has taken time to explore and express his feelings this week, which has helped him deal with social situations more appropriately.

Noah for being an information processor. Noah has been using non-fiction books to help him find facts about animals to complete his project learning task.

Year 2

Matthew for service to all. Matthew has been showing random acts of kindness, without seeking reward.

Peter for showing forgiveness. Peter is beginning to recognise that people make mistakes and offers his forgiveness through actions.

Caleb for being a peacemaker. Caleb tries to ensure that people are following the expectations and values. He will also try his best to resolve any issues between friends.

Joel for being humble. Joel does not seek reward or praise when he wins or  shows acts of kindness.

Josiah for being an information processor. Josiah worked well with a partner to order the events from our discovery box into a timeline.

Prosper for being an information processor. Prosper worked well with a partner to order the events from our discovery box into a timeline.

Miya for being a self-manager. Miya has been working really hard to complete her work independently but is asking for help if she needs it.

Isaiah for being an active communicator. Isaiah is trying hard to express his emotions to adults, especially if he is upset.

Year 3

Leo for showing compassion. Leo consistently cares for and shows empathy to others. He never has any expectation of reward; instead, he shows he genuinely cares for the well-being of his peers. 

TJ for showing compassion. TJ consistently cares for and shows empathy to others. She never has any expectation of reward; instead, she shows she genuinely cares for the well-being of her peers. 

Etinosa for demonstrating forgiveness. Etinosa was able to recognise that sometimes we all make mistakes and he is able to move on quickly when incidents arise. 

Stella for demonstrating service to all. Stella has worked hard to learn the routines of the school which has made her a good role model for others around her.

Ruby for being a reflective evaluator. Ruby has shown that she is willing to listen to feedback and tries to use this in her learning. She has also been willing to do extra work at home to support her understanding.

Chidera for being an active communicator. Recently, Chidera has shown that she is willing to contribute and share her ideas with others. This is building on her own understanding and improving her learning.

Lynette for being an independent learner. Lynette is a superb role model of how to be an independent learner. She is consistently ready to learn and uses her 5Bs to great effect. 

Eloka for being an information processor. During our English lesson this week, by listening carefully and remaining engaged in the analysis of the text, Eloka showed he understood the context in which an author had used some tricky vocabulary.

Year 4

David for service to all. David is a great learning partner who always offers to help others.

Johann for offering service to all.  Johann is an excellent role model in the classroom. He is patient, kind, and works well with others in peer work and group work. 

Wonuola for being a peacemaker. Wonuola has shown in class that she works well within a team and in group work. She can take charge but is considerate, helpful and mindful of others within her group. 

Faith for being humble. She is consistently setting high expectations for herself and others in her contributions to class and group work.

Maria for being a creative thinker. Maria really worked hard in our RE lesson about giving and receiving. She actively contributed in group work.

Mason for being an information processor. Mason created a fantastic opinion about an English topic and he presented his work beautifully.

Miracle for being a pro-active social thinker. Miracle is a fantastic role model to others with her attitude towards her learning.

Zachariah for being a self-manager. Zachariah has shown that he is able to get on with his tasks and learning without having to be reminded or prompted.

Year 5

Davina for being a peacemaker. Davina is a good friend to all. She shares and forgives, and can always be relied upon to tell the truth.

Isabelle for being humble. Isabelle is always kind and has wonderful manners. She often has great ideas and will share them to help others. 

Tessa for being a peacemaker. Tessa works really well in a team and is a considerate leader. She always works in peace by listening to and including everyone. 

Elliot for being an independent learner. Elliot shows the right attitude towards learning and is becoming more responsible in reviewing his learning and acting upon feedforward advice.

Ethan for being a pro-active social thinker. Ethan listens to and follows instructions in all lessons. He also sets an excellent example when working with others by communicating effectively, taking turns and giving feedback to help others.

Amelia for being a pro-active social thinker. Amelia is a self-motivated, focused and a resilient learner and always shows a mature attitude towards learning. 

Year 6

Anna for truthfulness. Anna is honest about what she can do and what she needs help with when completing lesson activities. 

AJ for being humble. AJ is always happy to lend a helping hand and go out of her way to help others like ‘The Good Samaritan’. She demonstrated this particularly during creativity week.

Jane for being a peacemaker. Jane offers friendship, shares, forgives and tells the truth. She thinks outside of the box to help repair friendships.

Gika for faithfulness. She is patient, determined, reliable in all that she does, and consistently sets a good example for others around her.

Jebishan for being a self-manager. Jebishan motivates himself to work well on his own and asks for help when needed.

Anthony for being an independent learner. Anthony reflects and reviews his learning and acts upon feedforward advice.

Nathaniel for being a creative thinker. Nathaniel thinks critically and creatively, and adds valuable contributions to class discussions.

Isabel for being an information processor. Isabel uses a range of different technology to find information during creativity week.

12th January 2024



Noah for active learning, for being involved and concentrating.  Noah spent a long time making a model and paid attention to detail whilst writing a label for it. 

Jairo for playing and exploring and for willing to ‘have a go’.  Jairo worked hard to make a model using Tap-a-Shape.  He was willing to try something new and write a label for his model with support and encouragement.

Ava-Janelle for creative and critical thinking for choosing ways to do activities.  Ava-Janelle persisted when making a bracelet and adjusted the length a few times so that it fitted the person wearing it properly.

Olive for showing forgiveness. Olive is able to forgive others and offer words of comfort when needed.

Rosalie for showing service to all.  Rosalie has demonstrated this by being caring and kind towards other children.  She readily tidies away and helps to keep the resources clean.

Charlie for showing faithfulness.  Charlie has demonstrated this when being respectful at prayer times and contributing thoughtful responses during RE lessons.

Year 1

Giuliana for being an active communicator. Giuliana remembered important information during our local area walk to keep everyone safe.

Varnikha for being a reflective evaluator.  Varnikha has been using smiley faces to evaluate what she understood in RE.

Oliver for being an information processor. Oliver was able to use what he already knew about Dartford to make links to our class project on maps.

Luke for being an active communicator. Luke is able to discuss a given topic with a partner, taking turns in speaking and listening and also keeping to the given topic.

Alfie for showing forgiveness. Alfie is always ready to accept an apology from a friend or an adult, showing an understanding that it can bring peace of mind. 

June for truthfulness. June is truthful with herself about what she can do well and which tasks she needs help with. 

Leo for truthfulness. Leo is truthful with himself about what he has understood and which parts he needs further help with. 

Briana for being a peacemaker. Briana is always inclusive and friendly to everyone. She makes an effort to help people feel comfortable and can recognise when her friends are in need of support.

Year 2

Olujimi for being a creative thinker. Olujimi showed this with his excellent work in RE.

Kaiyah for being an independent learner. Kaiyah has been trying hard to make the right choices to help with her learning, especially during learning time.

Prosper for being an effective investigator. Prosper worked really hard on a science experiment and used the results to make more predictions.

Theo Jukes for being an information processor. Theo has been working hard on learning different sounds and has used these in his reading and writing.

Josiah for showing service to all. Josiah is consistently helpful to all adults and children in Year 2. 

Gabriel for showing service to all. Gabriel makes a conscious effort to include everybody in the class.

Oluwabukunmi for showing faithfulness. Bukunmi continuously contributes to the religious life of the school.

Oluwaseyifunmi for being a peacemaker. Seyifunmi is beginning to realise when others are upset. She also is beginning to use the sign to say sorry.

Year 3

Chimdaalu for being an active communicator. Chimdaalu has shown a much improved willingness to support others around her with their learning.

Etinosa for being a self-manager. Etinosa is becoming more willing to manage tasks for himself and not need adult support in remaining focused.

Alama for being an information processor. Throughout these first two terms, Alama has made a steady improvement in her ability to listen to and follow instructions given to her. 

Tomas for being a creative thinker. Tomas consistently shares his interesting and creative ideas when taking part in a range of practical activities. 

Chisom for demonstrating compassion. Chisom has demonstrated this school value by offering help and comfort to her friends.

Lynette for being humble. Lynette has impeccable manners and uses them consistently throughout her interactions with all members of our school community. 

Stella for demonstrating forgiveness. Stella is willing to accept and ask for help and support from those around her. 

TJ for demonstrating forgiveness. TJ has an open and giving heart that shows understanding and is willing to give those around her a second chance if they do not always get it things right.


Year 4

Chidi for being an independent learner. Chidi has tried very hard to stay focused during learning and has become more independent when working.

Arabella for being a pro-active thinker. Arabella is a fantastic role model to others with her attitude towards her learning. She consistently tries hard in all her work.

Shwetha for being a problem solver. Shwetha has worked hard this week in English and has put great effort into her written work.

Wonuola for being an information processor. Wonuola has worked hard this week in English and has put great effort into her written work.

Maria for being humble. Maria will always lead by example by listening to others, working very hard in all her lessons and following instructions for the first time without expecting recognition or praise.

Lucy for being humble.  Lucy will always lead by example by listening to others, working very hard in all her lessons and following instructions for the first time without expecting recognition or praise.

Mary-Jennifer for being a peacemaker.  Mary-Jennifer has shown in class this week that she works very well within a team, and in group work she can take charge but is considerate, helpful and mindful of others within her group.

Miracle for offering service to all. Miracle is an excellent role model to her peers through her learning behaviours and general behaviour.


Year 5

Xanthie for being an independent learner. Xanthie shows a fantastic attitude towards learning and works to the best of her ability in all subjects. 

Isabelle for being an active communicator. Isabelle is an active listener and will answer questions and share her ideas during discussions.

Isaac Fatusin for being a pro-active social thinker. Isaac communicates effectively in a range of situations as well as being a focused and a resilient learner. 

Melanie for showing faithfulness. Melanie is patient, determined, reliable and shows reverence.  She always tries to do the right thing even if it is difficult.

Max for being a peacemaker. Max has been trying really hard to maintain peaceful relationships with his friends by being kind and gentle towards them. 

Isaac Mendis for being humble. Isaac has wonderful manners and leads by example by listening to others and showing how to be respectful. 

Year 6

AJ for showing compassion. She always shows excellent manners and is kind to everyone. 

Alden for showing forgiveness. He has shown a change in behaviour rather than just saying sorry and move on from the incident.  

Oma for being a peacemaker. She works well in a team and is a considerate leader. 

Francine for showing forgiveness. She is able to accept an apology, knowing we can all make mistakes. 

Isabella for being a creative thinker. She thinks creatively and uses her imagination to present her work. 

David for being an effective investigator. He is able to research using a range of sources and chooses relevant key information. 

KJ for being a pro-active social thinker. He actively works well with others, listening to people’s views and leading them effectively. 

Mya for being an effective investigator. She researches using a variety of sources and explains her ideas in depth. 

17th November 2023


Year 1

Robert for being a problem solver. Robert was confident to explore equipment in forest school to solve problems independently.

Leo for being a pro-active social thinker.  Leo was happy to discuss his outdoor learning with a visitor, answering questions by using the correct vocabulary.

Leon for being a self-manager. Leon was confident to solve unfamiliar problems in forest school independently, he showed perseverance when he encountered problems.

Tymon for being a creative thinker. Tymon never gives up when his learning is difficult or challenging, but rather works hard to apply prior learning.

Thomas for showing forgiveness. Thomas is able to forgive himself as well as others offering comfort and words of encouragement when needed. 

Noah for service to all. Noah is an excellent example to all, a wonderful role model in our class. 

Kameron for service to all. Kameron will always lend a helping hand to his friends when they need it. 

Zion for showing compassion. Zion recognised when his friend was in need of support during forest school and rushed to help.

Year 2

Oluwabukunmi for being a self-manager. Bukunmi has worked really hard to learn all of her lines and cues for the Nativity.

Belle for being a self-manager. Belle has worked really hard to learn all of her lines and cues for the Nativity.

Miracle for being an effective investigator. Miracle worked really hard during forest school to work out why one drip was faster than the other. She gave lots of reasons and explained her thinking while undertaking an experiment.

Precious for being an active communicator. Precious has been working really hard on speaking clearly in full sentences.

Albert for showing service to all. Albert has consistently shown his kindness and care to all pupils around the school.

Gigaloluwa for showing faithfulness. Giga has been actively contributing in our RE sessions and has shown a keen interest when learning about other faiths.

Theo for being humble. Theo has been very gracious when receiving praise and always says thank you. 

Jason for showing forgiveness. Jason shows forgiveness to all and is aware that sometimes people can make mistakes and they do not mean to upset you.

Year 3

Aniya for being a reflective evaluator. Aniya has worked well this week in improving her focus on a range of tasks; showing that she is willing to reflect on feedforward advice and change her learning behaviours.

Dylan for being an active communicator. In all areas of his learning, Dylan is able to use the appropriate tone and volume in his voice to convey what he wants to say effectively.

Joe for being a self-manager. Joe demonstrates this learning behaviour each morning by coming into the classrooms and immediately beginning his Early Work without being reminded. 

Maya for being a problem solver. Maya has been a problem solver during our English lessons by being able to draw on inferences and make deductions.

Eloka for demonstrating faithfulness. During this week's RE lesson, Eloka was able to demonstrate this value by contributing some wonderful ideas during our class discussion.

Leonel for demonstrating faithfulness. Leonel demonstrates faithfulness through his willingness to share his knowledge of the faith and to remain reverent and respectful during times of prayer. 

Emma demonstrating service to all. Emma has demonstrated this school value by being kind and caring towards other children.

Jade demonstrating service to all. Jade has demonstrated this school value by being kind and caring towards other children.

Year 4

Nia-Tyra for being an active communicator. Nia-Tyra worked hard in our FBV week. She actively contributed to the lessons, sharing her ideas and thoughts.

Faith for being a Creative thinker.  Faith is a fantastic role model to others with her attitude towards her learning. She consistently tries hard in all her work and overcomes problems when faced with them.

Zachariah for being an independent learner. It has been very noticeable that Zachariah has been working hard this week, showing a good attitude to learning in group and whole class discussions.

Abigail for being an active communicator. Abigail has consistently shared her ideas and thoughts to contribute to group and partner work discussions without being called upon. Abigail speaks clearly and confidently when participating and shows consideration to others when her peers are talking.

Gabriella for offering service to all. Gabriella has been a fantastic learning partner. She has been supportive, collaborative and helpful when others need it.

Joanne for faithfulness. Amy has shown the importance of her faith and has led by example in prayer, Mass and RE lessons.

Eloise for being a peacemaker. Eloise has shown in class this week that she works well within a team, in group work she can take charge but is considerate, helpful and mindful of others within her group.

Sebastian for being humble. Sebastian has been leading by example in his manners and readiness for work without needing recognition or praise.  


Year 5

Melanie for being an independent learner. Melanie shows great attitude towards learning and always works to the best of her ability in all subjects. 

Tamilore for being a creative thinker. During our poetry writing, Tamilore was able to construct a fantastic poem using her imagination and creativity as well as applying prior knowledge of poetic conventions. 

Darasimi for being a problem solver. Dara uses and applies prior knowledge very well in maths and is able to suggest different ways to solve a problem.

Isaac F for being humble. Isaac has been really kind and helpful recently to both his peers and teacher in class and certainly has shown a huge improvement in using his manners. 

Elise for showing truthfulness. Elise was honest and had the courage to tell the truth during an incident where a few friends were involved. She showed maturity and took responsibility for her actions. 

Ini for showing forgiveness. Ini knows that forgiveness is an act of mercy and kindness. He showed this by accepting his friend's apology when he was injured during an incident. 

Ethan for showing forgiveness. Ethan has an open and giving heart, and he is always willing to give someone a second chance.

Year 6

Gika for being an effective investigator. She knows how to research using different sources and only use key information. She presents her findings in a clear and organised manner.

Isabella for being an effective investigator. She knows how to research using different sources and only use key information. She presents her findings in a clear and organised manner.

AJ for being an active communicator. She consistently shares her ideas in class discussions and uses key vocabulary.

Jane for being a self-manager. She works within a given time frame and asks for help when necessary.

Isla-Poppy for showing service to all. She will always lend a helping hand and go out of her way to help others like the good Samaritan.  

Maisie for showing service to all. She will always lend a helping hand and go out of her way to help others like the good Samaritan.

Benediktas for showing faithfulness. He is patient, determined, reliable and shows reverence.   

KJ for showing truthfulness. He has the courage to do the right thing even if others will not.   

20th October 2023


Year 1

Freddie for being an information processor.  Freddie knows where to find information and then uses it to help him learn.

Briana for being an effective investigator.  Briana tries to use all of her senses to find out about things and to show her curiosity.

Leon for being a problem solver.  Leon uses his prior learning to make links to his new learning.

Ethan for being an active communicator.  Ethan is able to use the correct vocabulary when sharing his ideas or explain information.

Malachi for showing forgiveness.  Malachi will ask for help from others and is a good friend.

Angelo for being humble.  Angelo demonstrates good manners all of the time, showing how to respect others and school property.

Chimdimma for being a peacemaker.  Chimdimma works well as part of a team and has been a considerate leader.

Joel for showing faithfulness.  Joel has worked hard on learning the Lord's Prayer, being active in developing his faith.


Year 2

Seyifunmi for being an independent learner. Seyifunmi worked really hard to paint her stain glass window independently.

Louisa-Grace for being an active communicator. Louisa-Grace is consistently using the signs we are learning with all adults and children.

Belle for being an independent learner. Belle is consistently working well by herself, especially when it comes to getting changed for PE.

Albert for being a self-manager. Albert is consciously making the right choices, even if it means moving away from his friends to work.

Daniel for showing faithfulness. Daniel contributed brilliantly for our Harvest Mass, especially singing the hymns. 

Olujimi for being humble. Jimi accepted not winning and congratulated the other team. 

Precious for showing truthfulness. Precious shows that she understands the importance of telling the truth even when it is difficult.

Josiah for being humble. Josiah accepted not winning and congratulated the other team. 

Year 3

Joshion for being an information processor. During our recent English focus, Joshion has been able to understand the instructions he has been given and explored the range of stories.

Jade for being an information processor. During our recent English focus, Jade has been able to understand the instructions she has been given and produced a brilliant taster draft of a rhyming couplet poem.

Grace for being an independent learner. Grace consistently demonstrates that she is prepared and ready to learn.

Darragh for being a pro-active social thinker. It is wonderful to see Darragh's enthusiasm for learning and willingness to be involved in class discussions and activities. 

Uriah for demonstrating faithfulness. Whilst completing our prayer journals, Uriah demonstrated great reverence in the way in which he completed the activity. 

Scarlett for demonstrating faithfulness. Whilst completing our prayer journals, Scarlett demonstrated great reverence in the way in which she completed the activity. 

Jasmine for demonstrating service to all. Jasmine consistently demonstrates this school value through her leadership in the saying of school prayers.

Maya for demonstrating forgiveness. During a recent PE lesson, Maya was able to show that she has an open and giving heart is always willing to give someone a second chance.  

Year 4

Janiah for being a creative thinker. Janiah really worked hard in our RE lesson about The Story of Abraham. She actively contributed in group work and performed in her group's drama performance.

Sebastian for being an information processor. Sebastian created a fantastic draft of a mythical creature.  He presented his work beautifully and made conscious, clear choices in his work. 

Ivy for being a pro-active thinker. Ivy is a fantastic role model to others with her attitude towards her learning.

Joshua for being a self-manager. Joshua has shown that he is able to get on with his tasks and learning without having to be reminded or prompted.

Amelia for faithfulness. Amelia showed great reverence during our Scriptural Rosary. She actively prayed and was reflective throughout.  

Desire for service to all. Desire is an excellent role model in the classroom. She is patient, kind, and works well with others in peer work and group work. 

Lucy for being a peacemaker. Lucy has shown in class this week that she works well within a team and in group work she can take charge but is considerate, helpful and mindful of others within her group. 

Mason for being humble. He is consistently setting high expectations for himself and others in his contributions to class and group work.


Year 5

Mikaela for being an independent learner. Mikaela has an excellent attitude towards learning and ability to focus, and works to the best of her ability in all subjects.

Xanthie for being an effective investigator.  Xanthie was highly self-motivated in science and researched about a planet to explain why it was hot, despite being further away from the Sun, and how it is visible to the naked eye.

Ini for being an active communicator. Ini actively participates in class discussions and explains his ideas clearly.

Isabelle for showing faithfulness. Isabelle was able to offer thoughtful answers during our RE topic discussions and showed good understanding of how we show commitment to our faith.

Ire for showing faithfulness. During our RE topic discussions, Ire has shown good understanding of how our school values help us perform Christian service and build a long-lasting relationship with God. 

Davina for showing forgiveness. Davina has shown great maturity and kindness by accepting an apology from a friend after an argument and she understands we can all make mistakes.

Year 6

Edward for being a creative thinker. He has used his imagination and has experimented with his ideas in his writing.

Isla-Poppy for being a creative thinker. She is able to use her imagination and use different approaches to complete her work.

David for being a self-manager. He is able to learn from his mistakes and uses his 5Bs of independent learning.

Anna for being a pro-active social thinker. She contributes well in group discussions, takes turns and respects the views of others.

Nathan for showing faithfulness. He wrote an amazing letter to St Paul expressing his religious beliefs and how he will become a better Christian.

Matthew for showing faithfulness. He wrote an amazing letter to St Paul expressing his religious beliefs and how he will become a better Christian.

Anthony for showing faithfulness. He wrote an amazing letter to St Paul expressing his religious beliefs and how he will become a better Christian.

Cristina for showing faithfulness. She wrote a fantastic letter to St Paul expressing her religious beliefs and how she will become a better Christian.

29th September 2023


Year 1

Tinuade for being a peacemaker.  Tinuade is patient and gentle and prepared to go the extra mile to help others to tidy up after their learning.

Vithushan for being a peacemaker.  Vithushan is patient and gentle and prepared to go the extra mile to help others to tidy up after their learning.

Hannah for compassion.  Hannah is thoughtful, kind and will share with others, seen this week in cooking activities.

Joy for compassion.  Joy is thoughtful, kind and will share with others, seen this week in cooking activities.

Keyaan for being a pro-active social thinker.  Keyaan talked about his forest school ideas with his friends and his teachers.

Ariella for being a problem solver.  Ariella shows, through project learning, that she can identify a problem and begin to solve it.

Chimdimma for being an independent learner.  Chimdimma shows that she is able to work independently on a range of activities.

Kameron for being an effective investigator.  Kameron asks and answers 'how' and 'why' questions in his project learning.

Year 2

Olujimi for showing forgiveness. Jimi has been openly showing forgiveness and has using the sentence 'I forgive you for...' when resolving disagreements with his peers.

Prosper for faithfulness. Prosper has been demonstrating his faith consistently. This was evident in his ability to remember the different types of prayers we use.

Kathy-Theresa for showing compassion. Kathy-Theresa has shown compassion through using the signs she has been learning with all pupils and adults throughout the school.

Isaiah for showing compassion. Isaiah has shown compassion through using the signs he has been learning with all students and adults throughout the school.

Daniel for being an independent learner. Daniel has worked really hard and stayed focused during his project learning, especially when he was making a cake. Daniel was also explaining his choices when making the cake.

Joel for being a reflective evaluator. Joel has worked hard in writing a book independently. While doing this, Joel was able to realise and correct any mistakes.

Precious for being a reflective evaluator. Precious has worked hard in writing a book independently. While doing this, Precious was able to realise and correct any mistakes.

Matthew for being an information processor. Matthew has worked hard to find out information about sharks. He has used different sources for this and has been able to discuss this with a range of people.

Year 3

Michaela for showing compassion. Michaela enables others to learn well by being a great learning partner.

Scarlett for being humble. Scarlett is beginning to show that she is willing to listen carefully and accept advice.

TJ for demonstrating truthfulness. In all areas of school life, TJ demonstrates this school value by being willing to do the right thing even when others are not.

Harry for demonstrating truthfulness. Harry has shown that he understands the importance of doing the right thing even when others are not supporting him in this.

Annabeth for being an independent learner. In all subjects, Annabeth demonstrates that she is ready to learn and knows how to be an independent learner.

Chidera for being an information processor. Despite being new to our school, Chidera has worked hard to take in and understand all of the new routines.

Bella for being a creative thinker. During our English lesson this week, Bella was able to generate a range of interesting and original ideas.

Amos for being a creative thinker. During our English lesson this week, Amos was able to generate a range of interesting and original ideas.

Year 4

Esmee for being humble. Esmee will always lead by example by listening to others, working very hard in all her lessons and follows instructions first time without expecting recognition or praise.

Tamsin for offering service to all. Tamsin helped her peers this week without expecting any recognition for her actions.

Sebastian for offering compassion. Every morning that Sebastian arrives at school, he greets his teachers and shows compassion by checking with how they are.

Maria for offering service to all.  Maria has been a fantastic learning partner. She has been supportive, collaborative and helpful when others need it.

Mason for being a creative thinker. Mason has consistently shared his ideas and thoughts to contribute to group and partner work discussions without being called upon. Mason has some fantastic ideas.

Mary-Jennifer for being a pro-active thinker. Mary-Jennifer is a fantastic role model to others with her attitude towards her learning. She consistently tries hard in her all her work and overcomes problems when faced with.

Johann for being an independent learner. Johann has tried very hard to stay focused during learning and has become more independent in his own work. He is actively communicating within group and partner discussions.

Joanne for being a self-manager. Joanne has been consistently great in all of her work. She has been writing fantastic during Creativity week.

Year 5

Amelia for faithfulness. Amelia offered some very thoughtful answers during our Baptism topic and showed good understanding of how we serve God.

Godswill for being humble. Godswill was very kind and helpful during our retreat session in the church and led by example by showing how to be respectful.

Maya for being humble. Maya is always kind and helpful to both her peers and adults and she helps without being asked.

Xanthie for compassion. Xanthie always shows good manners and helps others learn by supporting them during paired activities.

Elise for being an independent learner. Elise is working to the best of her ability and by listening to instructions carefully she is able to complete her tasks independently.

Amy for being a pro-active social thinker. Amy is a self-motivated and a focused learner. By listening and following instructions carefully, she is able to achieve the learning outcomes.

Tilly for being a creative thinker. Tilly has been very creative generating different ideas for the class song.

Tessa for being an active communicator. Tessa regularly contributes, communicates and discusses her ideas and used key vocabulary accurately during our maps topic.

Year 6

Nathaniel for showing service to all. He continuously offers support and help to both the teacher and students. He also has excellent manners.

Stan for showing truthfulness. He has the courage to do the right thing and accepts the consequences of his actions. 

KJ for showing compassion. He shows empathy and will offer support and comfort to others. 

Asaya for being a peacemaker. She is patient, gentle and prepared to go the extra mile. She also shows brilliant teamwork skills and shows she can be a considerate leader. 

AJ for being a pro-active social thinker. She is self-motivated and has a mature attitude to her learning.

Stefan for being a pro-active social thinker. He understands and respects the opinions of others and listens to them.

Mya for being an independent learner. She demonstrates the right attitude towards her learning and is able to check her work independently.

Gika for being an independent learner. She works to the best of her ability and has a great attitude towards her learning. 


23rd June 2023


Reception Class

Chimdimma for being an effective investigator.  Chimdimma independently measured furniture in the classroom and made comparisons between their different sizes.  She recorded her results too.  Great work!

Leo for being an independent learner.  Leo selected resources independently to discuss telling the time and recording his matching activity.  Well done!

Owen for being an active communicator.  Owen planned making a pirate ship with his friends and explained that they needed a map to show them the right direction for their journey.  Well done!

Alfie for being faithful.  Alfie tried hard to contribute his ideas about animals that God had created for Collective Worship.  Well done!

Tinuade for being faithful.  Tinuade was eager to spread her message to others about looking after God’s world in Collective Worship.  Super effort!

Robert for offering service to all.  Robert remembered that God created sea creatures on the fifth day and shared this knowledge with others in Collective Worship.  Well done!

Luke for being faithful.  Luke contributed his ideas about sea creatures that God had created for Collective Worship.  He took part in the celebration with enthusiasm.  Well done!

Year 1

Lochlann for being an information processor.  Lochlann has used strategies to help him to remember the sounds he needs for reading.

Gigaloluwa for being a reflective evaluator.  Gigaloluwa listens to advice from adults and then acts on this.

Gabriel for being a creative thinker.  Gabriel does not give up when his work is challenging or difficult.

Theon for being a peacemaker.  Theon is a mediator and chooses to do the right thing.

Caleb for truthfulness.  Caleb is honest about what he can do and what he needs help with.

Belle for service to all.  Belle is supportive to her peers and willing to communicate their needs for them.


Year 2

Ruby for being a self-manager. Ruby is able to discuss her feelings and why she feels this way. Ruby also offers solutions for her own and others’ feelings.

Amos for being an active communicator. Amos has worked really hard and now offers his ideas and opinions in small groups and to the whole class.

Eloka for being a creative thinker. Eloka perseveres with his projects and tries new ways to complete it, especially in making his transformer costume.

Darragh for being humble. Darragh is quick to offer help to all staff and pupils purely out of kindness. He is also very vocal in his support for his friends and celebrates their successes. 

Chisom for offering forgiveness. Chisom is quick to forgive all children and can explain why this is important.

Mireya for being a peacemaker, Mireya helps all children resolve their problems and can be heard giving ideas in order to compromise. 


Year 3

Maria for being an effective investigator. She researches facts and key information and presents them in an effective way.

Tamsin for being an effective investigator. She researches facts and key information and presents them in an effective way.

Johann for being an effective investigator. He actively answers and asks question that supports the learning of others.

David for showing truthfulness. He will speak the truth even if it is hard, take responsible for his actions and accepts what happens next.  

Joshua for showing truthfulness. He is open to receiving guidance and advice and believes in justice and equality.

Charlotte for showing truthfulness. She is honest about her mistakes and accepts the consequences of her actions.

Year 4

Molly for being a self-manager. Molly is able to follow instructions and complete her work in the given time frame.

Aiden for being a reflective evaluator. He is starting to model his learning behaviour during class work by justifying his ideas with evidence. Well done!

Inioluwa for being an effective investigator. During English sessions, Inioluwa listens carefully to the text and makes solid contributions to the discussion using evidence to support his ideas. Well done!

Mikaela for being a peacemaker. She never involves herself in any arguments and is always truthful when speaking to adults. Thank you!

Amy for offering compassion to her peers and adults. She consistently says kind words to your peers and offer help where needed. Thank you!

Max for demonstrating faithfulness. Max is always willing to share his understanding and knowledge of his faith with his peers. Well done!


Year 5

Cillian for being a reflective learner. Cillian is showing more resilience and is willing to improve his work when spoken to by the teacher.

Asaya for being an independent learner.  Asaya always shows the right attitude towards learning and strives to overcome difficulties in all subjects. 

Anthony for being a self-manager. Anthony is showing more self-motivation in improving his learning and more self-discipline while working under pressure.

Isabel for being an independent learner. Isabel always works to the best of her ability using 5Bs and improves her learning by reflecting, reviewing and acting upon the feedback given.

Edward for being an active communicator. Edward enjoys sharing his ideas during class discussions, at times offering thoughtful comments. He is keen to solve problems by communicating his thoughts and is beginning to explain himself more clearly.

Jebishan for being an independent learner. Jebishan always works to the best of his ability and shows resilience during challenging activities. 

Francine for truthfulness. Francine showed a very mature attitude in class by being honest and fair.  

Cristina for being a peacemaker. Cristina is always welcoming and inclusive. She offers friendship, shares and forgives even though at times it is hard to do so. 

Stefan for being service to all. Stefan is a wonderful role model to everyone in class with his excellent behaviour and learning attitude. 

Anthony for being a peacemaker. Anthony is beginning to learn how to be patient and understanding when he experiences problems with his friends. He offers peace by accepting his wrong doing and saying sorry. 

David for showing compassion. David always shows good manners and is kind to everyone. He thinks of his friends even when there are problems so that he can resolve without upsetting anyone. 

Alden for being humble. Alden is a good friend and a supportive learning partner. He is always keen to use his talents to help others. 

26th May 2023



Tymon for being an independent learner. Tymon is always happy to work independently, gathering his own resources and making links to previous learning.

Zion for being a reflective evaluator. Zion always listens to adults and children and will ask questions to clarify what he has heard.

Vithushan for being a reflective evaluator. Vithushan is able to explain his ideas and actions and will listen and act on any feedback given.

Leon for offering forgiveness. Leon is learning that we all make mistakes and is beginning to maintain relationships following an apology. 

Oliver for being a peacemaker. Oliver is a great role model to his peers, demonstrating that compromise is sometimes needed for the good of the group.

Varnikha for showing compassion. Varnikha is very aware of her friends and the situation and voluntarily offers help or support to them if needed.

Year 1

Olujimi for being a problem solver.  Olujimi applied prior learning to solving maths problems.

Theon for being a problem solver.  Theon applied prior learning to solving maths problems.

Caleb for being a creative thinker.  Caleb has tried new learning, exploring his imagination to create a maze and using language for learning to reflect on how he could improve it.

Michelle for service to all.  Michelle always works collaboratively and has shared her work with the class.

Matthew for being humble.  Matthew accepted advice to persevere and make changes to his project when it did not go to plan.

Albert for compassion.  Albert always shows good manners and tries to be kind to everyone.


Year 2

Promise for being an active communicator. Promise has been brilliant at sharing his ideas during whole class shared writing.

Maya for being an effective investigator. Maya has worked really hard at explaining her ideas and other people’s.

Leo for being a problem solver. Leo has demonstrated perseverance when it comes to his maths work, he has kept trying and didn't give up. He often tried out new ways to help himself.

Ruby for faithfulness. Ruby has worked extremely hard during our RE topic and is demonstrating her knowledge outside of this. 

Alama for truthfulness. Alama is consistently telling the truth and can understand and explain why this is always important.

Dylan for being a peacemaker. Dylan has been consistently noticed as showing the values of a peacemaker, especially when working in a group.

Year 3

Johann for being humble. He has wonderful manners and uses them all the time.

Miracle for faithfulness. She shares the faith with others to help them learn and understand.

Chidi for showing service to all. He will always lend a helping hand and go out of his way to help others.

Nosa for being an independent learner. He listens well to other's views and uses his 5Bs to work independently.

Jayden for being a pro-active social thinker. He listens to others and will take turns which he showed in his cooking this week.

David for being a pro-active social thinker. He will compromise and take turns to help his friends which he showed in cooking this week.

Year 4

Mikaela for being an effective investigator. During English sessions, Mikaela is able to listen carefully to the text and make contributions to the discussion using evidence to support her ideas.

Towela for being a reflective evaluator. Towela always maintains focus and will evaluate hers and others’ work effectively.  

 Ethan for being an information processor. Ethan consistently demonstrates his learning behaviour by carefully planning out the steps he is going to take to complete a task and uses these planned steps to complete tasks accurately.

Godswill for truthfulness. I appreciate and respect the efforts you put forth to show honesty and integrity, even when it’s not the easiest choice to make.

Darasimi for truthfulness. I appreciate and respect the efforts you put forth to show honesty and integrity, even when it’s not the easiest choice to make.

Amelia O for being a mission maker. Amelia embodies all the school values and is an excellent role model for all. Her positive attitude, commitment and encouragement to others is amazing.

Year 5

Oma for being a self-manager. Oma is a self-reflective and a self-motivated student who takes responsibility for work and shows all the qualities of being an effective learner.

Michelle for being a problem solver. Recently, Michelle has shown great confidence in tackling mathematical challenges and is able to apply prior knowledge in different situations.

David for being a pro-active social thinker. David shows a mature attitude towards learning and is becoming a more focused and resilient learner. This has made an impact on quality of his work across the curriculum. 

Isla-Poppy for being a peacemaker. Recently, Isla-Poppy has shown maturity and willingness to try to negotiate and solve problems with her friends. This has helped her to be at peace within herself and welcome new friends to her life.

Stan for being humble. Stan is a kind student and always shows good manners. He is always there when his friends need him and can be relied upon to help others, like the good Samaritan. 

Hattie for showing truthfulness. Hattie is always honest with what she can do and what she needs help with. She is happy to receive guidance and advice so she can do the right thing.

Year 6

Orla for being a reflective evaluator. Orla has been demonstrating this learning behaviour during our writing activities over the last couple of weeks; she has shown that she is able to collaboratively and independently reflect on her work and suggest improvements and ideas that will improve the quality of her final piece of writing. 

Shevonne for being a problem solver. Throughout this week, Shevonne has been willing to take risks in her writing and has not been afraid to ask questions to check and support her understanding of this difficult skill.

Joshua O for being a problem solver. Throughout this week, Joshua has been willing to take risks in his writing and has not been afraid to ask questions to check and support his understanding of this difficult skill.

Nancy for being a peacemaker. Nancy has demonstrated this school value across a number of activities throughout the last few weeks including her work in the forest school. I particularly impressed in the way in which she is able to lend her talents to benefit others and to do something without the expectation of a reward and she will willingly resolve any issues that might arise.

Joshua F for demonstrating truthfulness. As the expectation and difficulty in tasks increases in our learning, I have been impressed with Joshua's willingness to be open to receive guidance and advice.

Damifunre for demonstrating truthfulness. As the expectation and difficulty in tasks increases in our learning, I have been impressed with Damifunre's willingness to be open to receive guidance and advice.

12th May 2023


Reception Class

Joy for being a problem solver.  Joy has worked hard to find number bonds to ten using gingerbread men that she had made.

Noah for being an active communicator.  Noah effectively planned and discussed ideas with his friends for how to make a ‘Snake Trap’.  He thought about how well the project was progressing and could make suggestions to improve it.

Freddie for being a self-manager.  Freddie took his time to plan and build two train stations.  He extended his learning and drew pictures of the stations with labels using his phonic knowledge.  Freddie made good decisions about resources that could be used and selected them all independently.

Ethan for demonstrating service to all.  Ethan regularly shows this value by being a good role model to others.  He listens to his friends and is willing to share ideas to help them continue with an activity in a positive way.

Chimdimma for being humble.  Chimdimma always tries to be a good role model and help others by being kind.  She is thoughtful when sharing resources and happily does something for the greater good without looking for recognition.

Zion for being truthful.  Zion is always truthful in every situation even when he is wrong.  He has a strong belief in fairness and will actively seek out the truth.

Malachi for being faithful.  During RE lessons, Malachi tries hard to be a good role model by responding with thoughtful answers and ideas.  He was keen to share his understanding of how the Holy Spirit could help us to make the right choices.

Year 1

Natasha for being an independent learner.  Natasha is independently joining in more often.

Fidelia for being an active communicator.  Fidelia speaks to others when she needs help to solve a problem.

Seyifunmi for being a self-manager.  Seyifunmi has been completing self-chosen projects.

Jimi for being a peacemaker.  Jimi has been monitoring the classroom resources, ensuring that everybody has access to the resources they need.

Daniel for being humble.  Daniel uses his manners when talking to others.

Anh for compassion.  Anh can listen to others and take in how they are feeling.


Year 2

Aniya for being an information processor. Aniya has been trying to use new learning in her work.

Mireya for being an independent learner. Mireya had worked really hard especially in her English work.

Leo for being an independent learner. Leo has worked hard to effectively manage his time in project learning to ensure he completes his challenges.

Chimdaalu for faithfulness. Chimdaalu has been very engaged in our RE topic often asking wondering questions.

Etinosa for faithfulness. Etinosa has been working really hard in our RE topic often suggesting new ideas.

Leonel for being humble. Leonel has shown this quality especially in our maths quiz and also encourages others to show this.

Year 3

Janiah for showing faithfulness. She shows understanding of how Jesus can guide and help us and showed this through a liturgical dance. 

Poppy for showing faithfulness. She shows understanding of how Jesus can guide and help us and showed this through a liturgical dance. 

Dominykas for showing compassion. He is helpful, kind and offers words of comfort.

Amelia for being a pro-active social thinker. She is self-motivated and shows brilliant teamwork like listening to others. 

Wonuola for being a pro-active social thinker. She communicates effectively and respects other views and opinions during teamwork tasks. 

Abigail for being a pro-active social thinker. She is a focused and resilient learner and respects people's views in teamwork tasks. 

Year 4

Davina for being an effective investigator. Recently, Davina has really thrown herself into her learning and as a result there has been a huge improvement in attitude and skill, particularly in Mathematics.

Simona for being an effective investigator. Recently, Simona has really thrown herself into her learning and as a result there has been a huge improvement in attitude and skill, particularly in Mathematics.

Amy for being a self-manager. She is completing her work and making improvements in the time frames given as well as actively listening in class to the ideas of others.

Ireoluwa for being an information processor. Ireoluwa has shown excellent skills in making links between the key information when we were learning about animals & humans.

Melanie for being an information processor. Melanie has shown excellent skills in making links between the key information when we were learning about animals & humans.

Maxime for offering service to all. Maxime has been helping his learning partner stay focused at all times and is giving gentle reminders to help them stay on task. (Nominated by Molly)

Xanthie for being a peacemaker. Xanthie radiates peace in her conduct around the school. She is willing to offer friendship, shares openly with others and is consistently truthful.

Amelia-Marie for demonstrating faithfulness. During times of prayer and reflection in class, Amelia-Marie consistently demonstrates that she is willing to put Jesus at the centre of all that she does.


Year 5

Isabella for showing compassion. Isabella is thoughtful, kind and caring to everyone and always shows good manners.

Kharis for showing compassion. Kharis shows empathy and offers help and comfort when her friends need it.

Anna for showing service to all. Anna is a wonderful role model to everyone by showing a positive attitude toward learning and she always follows our school blue print. 

Cristina for being an independent learner. Cristina always works to the best of her ability and produces good standard of work in all lessons.

Benediktas for being a self-manager. Benediktas is a focused, responsible and resilient learner. He uses 5Bs of independent learning effectively across the curriculum. 

Matthew for being an information processor. Matthew was able to organise key information and use the key vocabulary effectively in writing of Pentecost about symbols and their meaning. 

28th April 2023


Reception Class

Robert for being an independent learner.  During his independent learning time, Robert selected resources and made links to a ‘Sounds Write’ lesson by building words with recently learnt sounds. 

Briana for being a creative thinker.  Briana worked very hard to create an amazing helicopter story by making links between a traditional tale and the chicks that had hatched in class.  Great learning! 

Ethan for being a problem solver.  Ethan always tries his best in all areas of learning.  He planned to make resources for the role play area and had great ideas about how to achieve this goal even when he met challenges that needed to be overcome. 

Noah for showing compassion.  Noah always remembers the school rules and tries his best to follow them.  He will remind friends to do the same so that they avoid losing tokens. 

Elliot for showing compassion.  Elliot tries to be helpful to others.  He went out of his way to find a lost item and returned it to his friend so that she felt better. 

Vithushan for being faithful.  During RE lessons, Vithushan is a good role model by being an active listener and participating in class discussions with meaningful responses. 

Year 1

Natasha for being an information processor.  Natasha has been using the research centre and writing down what she finds out.

Lochlann for being an independent leaner.  Lochlann is independently blending sounds together to read words successfully. 

Terrell for being an independent leaner.  Terrell is independently blending sounds together to read words successfully.

Anh for being humble.  Anh notices when he needs help and then asks for it.

Prosper for service to all.  Prosper showed care for others by setting up the chick's brooder.

Louisa-Grace for being a peacemaker.  Louisa-Grace helps her peers with their work, especially this week as a project manager.

Year 2

Joshion for being an independent learner. Joshion has worked really hard to explain his choices when sharing ideas with others.

Jade for being a reflective evaluator. Jade has worked hard to evaluate all of her projects once they are finished, often suggesting improvements for herself.

Promise for being an information processor. Promise is trying really hard to use key vocabulary in his answers. He is also using information to help his learning during his projects.

TJ for faithfulness. TJ has been actively communicating her ideas during RE and has also used her knowledge of prayer in school life.

Maya for service to all. Maya often demonstrates her ability to acknowledge others' feelings and is very sympathetic. Maya has also demonstrated this with our chicks.

Amos for truthfulness. Amos consistently tells the truth to all adults and encourages others to do so.


Year 3

Zachariah for being a pro-active social thinker. He shows brilliant teamwork skills by taking turns and listening to others.

Chidi for being a pro-active social thinker. He shows great teamwork skills by respecting other people's views and taking turns.

Charlotte for being a pro-active social thinker. She listens to others carefully and takes turns when completing teamwork tasks.

Gabriella for being a peacemaker. She is patient, gentle and is prepared to go the extra mile for her peers.

Faith for being a peacemaker. She is proactive in speaking up for others when they need it.

Mason for showing faithfulness. He is reliable, determined and shows reverence in all that he does and says. 

Year 4

Kanye for being a reflective learner. Kanye actively contributes to lessons and is trying hard to improve aspects of his writing such as using high level vocabulary words. 

Freddie L for being an active communicator. Freddie Lee has consistently asked for help when struggling. He has often asked for individual targets and ways to improve his work. 

Maxim for being an information processor. Maxim has shown excellent skills in making links between the key information with our creative curriculum - The Romans. 

Elise for showing compassion. Since coming back to school Elise has been a fantastic friend to all and has worked well with her learning partner. 

Tamilore for offering compassion. Tamilore is beginning to consistently think of others. She is becoming more compassionate and considerate to others. 

Aiden for being humble. Aiden will always lead by example by listening to others, working very hard in lessons and will follow instructions without expecting recognition or praise.  

Year 5

KJ for being an information processor. KJ was able to use a range of resources to research and find the key information needed to complete his task during our creativity topic. 

Nathan for being a reflective learner. Nathan is able to evaluate and improve his work following advice from the teacher, and he writes thoughtful answers to self-assessment questions.  

Matthew for being an active communicator. Matthew has been actively participating in class discussions during our creativity topic and is becoming more confident at explaining his ideas using appropriate language.

Michelle for showing service to all. Michelle is becoming a wonderful role model to everyone with her manners and always politely greets her adults. She has been trying very hard with no expectation of reward. 

Jebishan for being humble. Jebishan is a kind friend and uses his talents for the benefit of others. 

Stefan for being truthful. Stefan is always  honest with himself and others. He will speak the truth even if it is hard.  

Year 6

Azoma for being a pro-active social thinker. Azoma was able to articulate his thoughts and feelings clearly during our RHE learning as well as being able to consider carefully the thoughts of others.

Valentina for being an information processor. Whilst creating a fantastic introduction to her non-chronological report, Valentina showed that she had really listened carefully and tried to implement the key features of the text into her own work.

Eliana for being a reflective evaluator. During RHE learning, Eliana reflected carefully on the points made by others in the discussion and was able to build on those to improve her own understanding.

Hannah for being a faithful. Hannah has the faith to put Jesus at the centre of all she does so that He can guide her; this was particularly demonstrated throughout our recent RHE session.

Migle for showing compassion. Migle has the faith to put Jesus at the centre of all she does so that He can guide her; this was particularly demonstrated throughout our recent RHE session.

Wila for demonstrating service to all. Despite finding the task challenging, Wila demonstrated this school value by using his forest school session to help to begin work on our school peace garden.

24th March 2023


Reception Class

Tinuade for being a creative thinker.  Tinuade is always happy to try different activities.  She used her ideas with her friend to create her own 'Helicopter Story’ that she enjoyed acting out.

June for being a creative thinker.  June is always happy to try different activities.  She used  her ideas with her friend to create her own 'Helicopter Story’ that she enjoyed acting out.

Keyaan for being an independent learner.  Keyaan has shown improvement in his listening skills and will discuss ideas with his friends to independently construct models in CIA.

Leon for being a reflective evaluator.  Leon always listens to feedback and takes his time to think about what the next steps in his learning are.

Joy for showing faithfulness.  Joy has worked really hard in RE lessons this term and is always keen to share her wide knowledge.

Leo for offering service to all.   Leo has been trying hard to participate more in class discussions and is always happy to receive tokens for his efforts but does not expect them.

Hannah for being truthful.  Hannah is always truthful in every situation even when she is wrong.  She has a strong belief in fairness and justice.

Thomas for being a peacemaker.  Thomas always tries hard to listen to others and is willing to compromise his ideas to accommodate the needs of others.


Year 1

Louisa-Grace for being a problem solver. Louisa-Grace is beginning to solve more problems where she has to apply prior learning.

Terrell for being a pro-active social thinker.  Terrell is happy to share his ideas with others and join in more group tasks.

Michelle for being an effective investigator. Michelle is able to ask and answer many useful questions, which is of benefit to the whole class.

Josiah for being an active communicator. Josiah is able to remember and explain information he has learnt, using the correct vocabulary.

Miracle for showing compassion. Miracle offers help, comfort and words of encouragement to her friends. 

Prosper for truthfulness. Prosper has the courage to speak the truth even if it is hard; to take responsibility for his actions and accepts what happens next. 

Anh for showing forgiveness. Anh was able to accept his friend's apology, giving them time to show him how they can change.

Oluwabukunmi for showing forgiveness. Oluwabukunmi was able to accept her friend's apology, giving them time to show her how they can change.

Year 2

Eloka for being an independent learner. Eloka worked really hard at learning all of his words for the class assembly.

Darragh for being an independent learner. Darragh worked really hard at learning all of his words for the class assembly.

Emma for being an independent learner. Emma worked really hard at learning all of her words for the class assembly.

Alayna for being a self-manager. Alayna has been working really hard to ask for help when she is not sure and has tried to complete all tasks independently.

Jade for being a peacemaker. Jade ensured to cheer up her friends this week when they were upset.

Ruby for compassion. This week, Ruby ensured her friend was okay when they were upset.

Jasmine for compassion. This week, Jasmine ensured her friend was okay when they were upset.

Maya for compassion. This week, Maya ensured her friend was okay when they were upset.


Year 3

Faith for being a pro-active social thinker. She listens and follows instructions and shows great teamwork.

Janiah for being an active communicator. She contributes to class discussions and communicates her ideas clearly. 

Gabriella for being a reflective evaluator. She respects other people's points of view and shows great teamwork skills.

Annabel for being humble. She will speak the truth, even if it is hard, and accepts the consequences.

Nosa for showing compassion. He is thoughtful, kind and will share with others. 

Nia-Tyra for being humble. She is kind to others without being asked and has wonderful manners all the time.  

Year 4

Amelia-Marie for being a self-manager. Amelia-Marie tries to make the right behaviour choices in her learning. She tries to persevere and will select various resources to work out perimeter worded problems.  

Mikaela for being a self-manager. Mikaela makes the right behaviours choices in her learning. She will select and use various resources in her unit of writing. 

Louie for being a reflective evaluator. Louie always listens to feedforward advice and will make changes to his work to ensure it is of a high standard. 

Godswill for being a creative thinker. Godswill is happy to try his best to create expressive sentences using the class new vocabulary.

Isaac F for being an information processor. Isaac clearly communicates his ideas about how electricity is generated. 

Freddie B for being an effective investigator. Freddie has demonstrated this learning behaviour in our science lesson by problem solving various complete and incomplete circuits. 

Elliot for showing faithfulness. Elliot consistently demonstrates this value by showing the utmost reverence during times of prayer and during our Lenten Penitential on Monday.  

Jeremy for showing service to all. Jeremy consistently demonstrates this value by showing the utmost reverence during times of prayer and during our Lenten Penitential on Monday. He showed others how to be respectful and faithful.  

Tilly for showing compassion. Tilly independently offers encouragement to her peers during forest school without looking for any praise or recognition.  

Molly for being a peacemaker. Molly recognises when others are vulnerable and treats her friends with dignity and kindness. 

Daniel for being a peacemaker. Daniel adopts this value by coming into school in a thoughtful and caring manner and brings a smile to everyone’s face.

Inioluwa for being truthful. Inioluwa is always looking for the just and honest decision. When he is faced with a difficult situation, he takes the high road and is completely honest.


Year 5

Cian for being an active communicator. Cian has been an active listener and participated in all of the class discussions this week. He is showing growing confidence in talking in different situations.

Anna for being an active communicator. Anna always listens carefully and follows instructions. She shares her ideas confidently during class discussions.

Michelle for being a reflective evaluator. Michelle is trying harder to improve all aspects of her written work by following the feedforward advice given by the teacher. 

Lex for being a learning champion. Lex displays all the learning behaviours ensuring he is an active learner. These include being a: creative thinker, self-manager, reflective evaluator, problem solver and an effective investigator.

Cillian for showing service to all. Cillian is always respectful to adults and friends. He works collaboratively in all lessons and is a wonderful role model.

KJ for being humble. KJ always has wonderful manners, is polite to adults and will always lend a helping hand.

Nathan for showing service to all. Nathan is a wonderful role model to everyone. He works hard, is helpful in class and works collaboratively with others. 

Lex for being a mission maker. Lex is a role model to all through his thoughts and actions. He is truthful, will show compassion, offer forgiveness and is always faithful.

Year 6

Damifunre for being a creative thinker. During a recent English lesson, Damifunre showed an originality of thought in the ideas he was putting forward and was eager to be involved in the lesson.

Zakk for being a creative thinker. During a recent English lesson, Zakk showed an originality of thought in the ideas he was putting forward and was eager to be involved in the lesson.

Azoma for being a creative thinker. During a recent English lesson, Azoma showed an originality of thought in the ideas he was putting forward and was eager to be involved in the lesson. Adele for being humble. Adele demonstrated this school value by being willing to accept support with her learning. 

Eliana for demonstrating truthfulness. Eliana was able to demonstrate this school value whilst completing her pupil review; she is always honest and thoughtful about areas of her learning and behaviour that she would like to improve. 

Hannah for demonstrating truthfulness. Hannah was able to demonstrate this school value whilst completing her pupil review; she is always honest and thoughtful about areas of her learning and behaviour that she would like to improve. 

10th March 2023


Reception Class

Zion for being an active communicator.  Zion is a good role model for this learning behaviour as he tries to share helpful ideas in different situations when needed. 

Joy for being an information processor.  Joy follows instructions in a range of situations and tries her best to use her ideas in a purposeful way. 

Freddie is an active communicator.  Freddie tries his best to work out problems to help his friends in the class. 

Tinuade for service to all.  Tinuade always tries her best to help others especially when she is trying out new things in choosing time. 

Kameron for being a peacemaker.  Kameron tries his best to help others and is willing to compromise his own ideas when making a decision about how to carry out an activity. 


Year 1

Prosper for being a problem solver. Prosper is beginning to solve problems independently like the class measuring challenge using the weighing scales and during forest school when he helped design a successful log raft.

Belle for being an effective investigator. Belle for when she asked good questions about measuring material for the skirt she was making, to help solve the problem.

Joel for an information processor. Joel is able to use a variety of resources to find answers to his questions and solve his problems. He did this recently when investigating how water comes from our taps, and then reading a cook book several times to check he understood the method.

Precious for showing forgiveness. Precious forgave knowing that everyone is not perfect and is always prepared to help her friends. 

Kathy Theresa for service to all. Kathy Theresa is an wonderful role model to us all. 

Miya for being humble. Miya has the courage to approach difficult tasks which will challenge her, with or without the support from others .


Year 2

Jade for being a pro-active social thinker. Jade is consistently polite to all staff and children. Jade is also very aware of other children and their views and feelings, and actively thinks about this when working with others.

Alama for being an active communicator. Alama works hard to always listen to others, and then shares her own ideas when working with different children.

Joshion for being a creative thinker. Joshion has worked hard at sticking at his project even though it has taken a long time to complete and has had to continue this over multiple weeks.

Dylan for being humble. When Dylan receives praise he accepts this without a fuss and is always thankful for any praise he receives.


Year 3

Abigail for showing compassion. She always acts and lives as a good person and is selfless in thought, deed and action.

Sebastian for being a peacemaker. He is patient and gentle and is prepared to go the extra mile. 

Esmee for showing compassion. She is understanding and offers help, comfort and words of encouragement. 

Lucy for being a self-manager. She always works to a given time frame and uses her 5 b's for independent learning.

Nia-Tyra for being a pro-active social thinker. She always respects people's points of view and takes turns in teamwork tasks.

Tamsin for being a pro-active social thinker. She is a great team player and respects the opinions of others. 


Year 4

Godswill for faithfulness. Godswill has been showing faithfulness in RE lessons this week by analysing scripture of how and why Christians celebrate Lent. 

Freddie L for forgiveness. Freddie has shown great maturity this week in offering forgiveness when someone was unkind. He accepted an apology with a smile on his face and held no grudges. 

Louie for truthfulness. Louie has shown this value by asking an adult for help in a difficult situation with another child. Louie was selfless and showed great care and honesty for someone who needed support and kindness. 

Amelia for being a self-manager. Amelia has been showing great perseverance with new and challenging learning, consistently having a go and not giving up. 

Amelia-Marie for being an independent learner. Amelia-Marie has worked hard this week staying focused on tasks and taking ownership of becoming more independent in her work. 

Isaac Mendis for active communicator. Isaac has been speaking clearly and confidently this week in whole class discussions and is starting to build confidence in asking for help when he needs it. 


Year 5

AJ for showing service to all. AJ is an excellent example to everyone with her behaviour and positive  attitude towards learning. 

She always gives her 100% with no expectation of reward.

Isabella for showing service to all. In team work, Isabella is always supportive, collaborative and respectful to everyone. She sets a good example by working together to achieve set goals. 

Isla-Poppy for being humble. Isla-Poppy is willing to learn from others and is getting better at asking for help when needed.

Mya for being an information processor. During our scientific experiments, Mya has written informative conclusions using the data collected and the key information learned in our forces topic.

Maisie for being an information processor. Maisie has shown a good ability to plan and carry out fair tests in science. She is getting better at evaluating the findings by comparing and making links between data collected. 

Stan for being a self-manager.  Stan is becoming more focused, responsible and a resilient learner.  He is working well under pressure and asks questions to improve his understanding. 


Year 6

Joshua F for demonstrating being humble. Joshua has shown this value by being more willing to lend a helping hand and go out of his way to help others like the good Samaritan.

Brooke for being humble. Brooke has demonstrated this school value by being willing to ask for help when needed.

Sannoven for demonstrating faithfulness. Sannoven believes in the Lord and practises his faith by going to church, celebrating feast days, knowing important prayers, praying often and sharing his ideas about scripture.

Orla for being a creative thinker. Orla demonstrated this learning behaviour in her English writing by being creative and using her imagination to create an excellent piece of writing.

Zakk for being an active communicator. During our English lesson this week, Zakk was able to explain the task and his ideas to his learning partner effectively. 

Kayla for being an active communicator. Kayla has shown an increased willingness to openly engage with others and is becoming an effective learning partner.

3rd March 2023


Reception Class

Thomas for being an effective investigator. Thomas tried hard to explain his understanding of space and could communicate his ideas effectively.

Elliot for being an active communicator. Elliot tried hard to stay focused when retelling the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.

Malachi for being a self-manager. Malachi always tries to stay focused in everything he does and makes excellent behaviour choices.

Owen for being humble. Owen is kind and helpful to his friends without seeking recognition.

Ethan for being faithful. Ethan tried hard to behave well at St David’s Mass and joined in saying the prayers.

Leo for being humble. Leo tried hard to do something for the greater good without looking for recognition or reward.

Year 1

Daniel for being a pro-active social thinker. Daniel is keen to share his ideas with others.

Peter for being a creative thinker. Peter has put effort into exploring and investigating new activities to broaden his experiences.

Oluwabukunmi for being a pro-active social thinker. Oluwabukunmi has taken the time to give constructive feedforward advice to her peers this week, helping them evaluate their learning.

Gabriel for showing faithfulness. Gabriel has been actively participating in Mass.

Caleb for showing service to all. Caleb actively participates in group events, sharing experiences with others. 

Natasha for being humble. Natasha made more of an effort to ask for help when it was needed, meaning she could get through more work.

Year 2

Chisom for being a pro-active social thinker. Chisom is always polite to visitors and follows instructions given by an adult or a friend in group work.

Chimdaalu for being an independent learner. Chimdaalu has been trying really hard to use the 5Bs and to implement her new learning into her projects. 

Etinosa for being a reflective evaluator. Etinosa has been really good at evaluating his projects and then uses his evaluations to help him next time.

Alama for faithfulness. Alama has been demonstrating her faith in various ways especially through her participation in Masses. 

Tomas for forgiveness. Tomas has worked hard at being a peacemaker by showing patience and seeking help when he feels upset.

Uriah for service to all. Uriah has been really helpful to his friends, especially when teaching them how to log on and use the computer in class.

Year 3

Abigail for being an information processor. Abigail researched information on Ancient Egypt using different methods and organised the key facts in an interesting way. 

Mary-Jennifer for being an information processor. Mary-Jennifer researched information about artefacts and organised the key facts in an interesting way.

Amelia for being a self-manager. Amelia works to a given timeframe and is a responsible learner.

Jayden for showing compassion. Jayden cares for others and looks after them when they are in a time of need.

Joanne for showing compassion. Joanne is thoughtful and kind and will help others when they need it. 

Johann for being a peacemaker. Johann is gentle, patient and prepared to go the extra mile. 

Year 4

Max for being a self-manager. Max has been self-motivated during creativity week and has been using his 5Bs to support his learning. 

Maya for being a self-manager. Maya has been showing that she is focused and responsible with her learning and works well independently. 

Ireoluwa for being an active communicator. Ireoluwa has been contributing and communicating ideas to the class during creativity week as well as showing respect for other people's opinions and views. 

Isaac F for offering service to all. Isaac consistently shows the importance of being a good role model in class. He will often go above and beyond to help without expecting recognition. 

Jeremy for showing compassion. Jeremy always tries to show good manners to adults and his peers and is kind to everyone.

Amelia-Marie for being humble. Amelia-Marie will ask for help when she needs it and is always willing to learn from others, as well as provide help. 

Year 5

Anthony for being a reflective learner. Anthony is beginning to understand that the feedback he receives is important for him to be able to improve his work. I am glad to see that he has adopted a positive attitude about being a reflective learner this week and has put more effort into his handwriting and presentation.

KJ for being an active communicator. KJ has been an active listener during our creative topic and has been sharing his ideas confidently.

Gika for being an active communicator. Gika always listens carefully and follows instructions. She is becoming more confident in sharing her ideas and asks  questions to get more information.

Alden for showing service to all. Alden always works well with his peers showing support and collaboration, and he is respectful to others' opinions. 

Stefan for being a peacemaker. Stefan is a kind friend and a good learning partner to his peers. He can always be relied upon to tell the truth and forgives others to make peace. 

Michelle for being a peacemaker. Michelle works well in a team by being pro-active and speaking up when there are matters that need to be resolved. 

Year 6

Channelle for being a reflective evaluator. During our project management, Channelle was able to effectively evaluate and improve her work by contributing to the class floor book.

Joshua F for being a reflective evaluator. During our project management, Joshua was able to effectively evaluate and improve his work by contributing to the class floor book.

Rebecca for being an active communicator. Despite finding it difficult, Rebecca shared her weather forecast in front of the class, in French.

Maya for demonstrating service to all. Maya demonstrated this school value by showing great patience and generosity during our Day of Prayer to guide another child in how to tie their balloon.

Hannah for being a peacemaker. Hannah works well as part of a team and can be a considerate leader. This was particularly evident during our project management sessions.

Damifunre for demonstrating service to all. During our French session, Damifunre used a loud voice to share his learning showing that he is willing to participate in a variety of ways. 

24th February 2023


Reception Class

Alfie for being an active communicator.  Alfie tries hard to listen to the ideas of others when working in a group and can take turns fairly.

Joel for being an active communicator.  Joel uses a wide variety of vocabulary about sea creatures and then uses it accurately when demonstrating his amazing knowledge about stingrays.

Hannah for being a problem solver.  Hannah rose to a challenge and used different strategies to make puzzles with her friends.

Briana for being humble.  Briana is always willing and likes to help her friends when taking part in a group activity to make oat playdough for the class.

Keyaan for being truthful.  Keyaan is always truthful in every situation even when he is in the wrong.  He has a strong belief in fairness and justice.

Varnikha for service to all.  Varnikha showed kindness to her friend when she demonstrated how to hold scissors and use them safely.

Year 1

Theo J for being a problem solver.  Theo J has been asking for correct spellings when writing unfamiliar words.

Giga for being a self-manager.  Giga has being working on trying to maintain his focus when working on the carpet.

Isaiah for being an independent learner.  Isaiah worked very hard over half term, reading a section of his school reading book most days.

Prosper for forgiveness.  Prosper has been willing to make changes to his behaviour, rather than saying sorry and repeating his actions.

Miracle for faithfulness.  Miracle has shared her faith with others and helped them to learn and understand.

Louisa-Grace for faithfulness.  Louisa-Grace has shared her faith with others and helped them to learn and understand.


Year 2

Eloka for being a self-manager. Eloka has been working really hard to manage his own learning including making sure he has all of the resources he needs. 

Emma for being an active communicator. Emma has been trying hard to communicate her needs and ideas to the adults in the room.

Maya for being an information processor. Maya has been working really hard during our maths lessons on money and has been actively using new learning to help her.

Annabeth for faithfulness. Annabeth worked really hard during our day of prayer and actively participates in all RE lessons.

Aniya for compassion. Aniya has shown understanding of others and their feelings. She encourages others to show this same understanding.

Dylan for truthfulness. Dylan works hard to ensure that he is honest all of the time, often encouraging others to do the same thing.

Year 3

Arabella for being a self-manager. She always takes responsibility for her learning and is focused. 

Ivy for being an active communicator. She is an effective talk partner and communicates in a clear and organised manner. Ivy always contributes to class discussions.

Janiah for being an information processor. Janiah records information in different and creative ways and is able to organise key facts.

Lucy for showing faithfulness. She shared her understanding of her faith through a fantastic evaluation of religious artwork.

Mary-Jennifer for showing faithfulness. She shared her understanding of her faith through a fantastic evaluation of religious artwork.

David for showing faithfulness. David shares his faith with others and contributes his ideas in religious education.


Year 4

Tamilore for being an information processor. Tamilore has shown this learning behaviour in our Science lesson this week by using information to help with her learning about Michael Faraday. 

Daniel for being an information processor. Daniel has shown this learning behaviour this week in Science by communicating ideas about electricity effectively to his peers. 

Amy for being an effective investigator. Amy has demonstrated this learning behaviour this week in our Ancient Greece Workshop by asking questions and being curious about new learning. 

Mikaela for faithfulness. Mikaela has demonstrated the importance of prayer and reflection during Shrove Tuesday and effectively communicated ideas and thoughts to her peers.

Isaac Mendis for faithfulness. Isaac has demonstrated the importance of prayer and reflection during Shrove Tuesday and effectively communicated ideas and thoughts to his peers. 

Maya for faithfulness. Maya has demonstrated the importance of prayer and reflection during Shrove Tuesday and effectively communicated ideas and thoughts to her peers. 

Year 5

Oma for being a pro-active social thinker. Oma always shows a good attitude towards learning and is a good role model and team player showing everyone how to be respectful and kind when working together. 

Anna for being a reflective evaluator. Anna always listens to advice given by others and uses feedforward advice to improve her work. She is also becoming more confident in explaining what she needs to develop further to be successful.

David for being an independent learner. David tries to stay focused and works independently using 5Bs in all lessons.

Aaron for showing compassion. Aaron always shows good manners and tries to be kind to everyone even when there are disagreements. 

Kharis for being humble. Kharis is always at peace with herself and has wonderful manners even if she is having a bad day.

Jane for showing service to all. Jane always shows a positive attitude towards learning and is willing to challenge herself with no expectation of reward. 


Year 6

Abigail for being a reflective evaluator. Whilst reviewing our learning of recent PE and Music topics, Abigail was able to justify her ideas about the progress that had been made in these areas of learning by using evidence from the lessons.

Kaylee for being an active communicator. Kaylee has been working hard in class to improve her skills of compromise and being more willing to listen to the ideas of others; this was particularly evident during our recent Project Management unit.

Migle for being a pro-active social thinker. Migle works actively by leading, listening to and working with others, across the full range of lessons and activities we cover. 

Joshua O for being a peacemaker. Joshua has shown that he can be a mediator and often does the right thing, even when others do not. 

Brooke for demonstrating compassion. As part of our focus on prayer, Brooke showed that she is thoughtful and kind by sharing her time at lunch to help to create a prayer book for each class.  

Florence for demonstrating compassion. As part of our focus on prayer, Florence showed that she is thoughtful and kind by sharing her time at lunch to help to create a prayer book for each class. 

10th February 2023


Reception Class

Kameron for being a creative thinker.  Kameron used his own ideas and interesting vocabulary to describe a house he had made in Forest School.

Angelo for being a problem solver.  Angelo worked hard to build a bridge that he tested first to ensure that it was stable.  He adjusted his design to make it successful.

Aylann for being a self-manager.  Aylann has tries hard to make the right choices and remain focused when tidying the outside area.

Chimdimma for service to all.  Chimdimma remained focused when tidying the outside area and was willing to help others.

Freddie for being humble.  Freddie always tried hard to select his own resources independently without fuss or reminders.  He made a super shaker for a song he performed with his friends.

Robert for faithfulness.  Robert helped his friends understand about how Jesus welcomed children to be blessed.


Year 1

Theo J for being an active communicator. Theo is communicating his news in clearer sentences.

Kathy-Theresa for being a pro-active social thinker. Kathy-Theresa always shows empathy to her friends and considers the needs of others before she interacts with them.

Miracle for being a self-manager. Miracle always organises her tasks and her resources. In addition to this, she only asks for help from an adult when she really needs it. Excellent use of the 5Bs Miracle.

Oluwaseyifunmi for showing faithfulness. Oluwaseyifunmi has been participating well in our class assembly rehearsals about The Last Supper.

Theo B for showing compassion. Theodore has shown an understanding of his friends’ feelings and come up with sensible solutions to make them feel better. 

Olujimi for showing truthfulness. Olujimi always advocates for what is right and reminds others when it is needed.


Year 2

Annabeth for being a self-manager. Annabeth has been working independently and managing her time really well. This is clear to see in her project learning time when she is able to complete all challenges set out, and her own projects.

Tomas for being a self-manager. Tomas has been trying hard to ask for help while using his 5Bs. 

Ruby for being an independent learner. Ruby has been trying hard to use all of the correct vocabulary, especially during English and RE.

Aniya for faithfulness. Aniya has been working hard and reflecting on how and why we should give thanks during our RE lessons.

Harry for forgiveness. Harry consistently shows forgiveness to all of his friends.

Alayna for being humble. Alayna consistently tries to do the right thing without wanting recognition. Alayna also humbly accepts praise.


Year 3

Johann for being an active communicator. He contributes his ideas in class discussions and with his learning partner and communicates in an organised way. 

Eloise for being a pro-active social thinker. She is able to take turns and works effectively with others to contribute to great teamwork. 

Mason for being an active communicator. He actively participates in class discussions and with his learning partner and is able to speak clearly using formal English.

Arabella for showing faithfulness. She shares her faith with others and helps them to understand and learn about God.

Sebastian for showing truthfulness. He is honest and open to asking for help when he needs it.

Tamsin for showing compassion. She is generous and thoughtful towards others and their feelings.


Year 4

Ini for being a reflective evaluator. Ini has been working hard in his self-assessments, reflecting on what he has learnt, how he can make his new learning memorable and the learning behaviours he uses. 

Freddie L for being a pro-active social thinker. Freddie has been showing a good attitude towards learning and has shown great participation in class discussions. 

Isaac F for being an effective investigator. Isaac consistently communicates his ideas in group work and partner work and asks questions to further his understanding and curiosity of new learning. 

Darasimi for being humble. Darasimi is always ready to begin tasks with correct equipment and attitude to learning without a fuss or needing reminders. 

Aiden for truthfulness. Aiden showed this week the importance of being truthful and honest even in difficult situations. 

Simona for compassion. Simona shows compassion by greeting her teachers each morning, says to have a nice lunch time and have a good evening every day with a big smile on her face.


Year 5

AJ for being an independent learner. AJ always works to the best of her ability using 5Bs. 

Alden for being an effective investigator. Alden is self-motivated and uses his extensive science knowledge to make links across learning experiences.

Oma for being a reflective evaluator. Oma is an effective learning partner offering improvements to her work, explaining choices as well as improving her own work. 

Cristina for showing compassion. Cristina is always kind, caring and helpful towards everyone. She will sacrifice her own free time to help her friends when needed.

Cian for being humble. Cian is willing to learn from others and will ask for help when needed.

Stan for being a peacemaker. Stan is a good friend to others and will always try to solve the problem by trying to do the right thing.


Year 6

Caleb for being an active communicator. In his Maths learning, Caleb is beginning to explain his methods and share his reasoning with others.

Hannah for being a problem solver. Hannah was able to use her scientific enquiry skills to work through various challenges and problems she faced during our science topic.

Sannoven for being a pro-active social thinker. Sannoven is beginning to share his ideas with others. This has been particularly noticeable during our recent maths lessons and during Fr Stephen's visit to our class.

Shevonne for demonstrating compassion. During her interactions with various learning partners, Shevonne has displayed this school value by offering help, comfort and words of encouragement. 

Nancy for demonstrating compassion. Nancy has demonstrated this value by being willing to show empathy and being generous with her time to helping others. This includes helping to maintain the forest school area as well as creating school displays.

Valentina for demonstrating service to all. Like the good Samaritan, Valentina is always willing to go out of her way to help others. Most recently, Valentina demonstrated this by giving up her time to create a birthday card for an elderly neighbour.


3rd February 2023


Reception Class

Elliot for service to all.  Elliot tries to help others stay safe by showing them how to hold scissors correctly.

Malachi for showing compassion.  Malachi comforted his friend when they were at First Aid Training.

Oliver for service to all.  Oliver always generously shares his ideas, resources and time when completing his activities.

Ariella for being an independent learner.  Ariella tries to develop her learning by writing about the 'Book of the Week'.

June for being a problem solver.  June remained focused by using different strategies to complete jigsaw puzzles.

Ethan for being a reflective learner.  Ethan can explain his ideas and learning to others and use feedforward advice to improve.

Year 1

Belle for being a peacemaker. Belle is always able to work well as part of a team, sharing her ideas but also listening to the ideas from others.

Fidelia for being a peacemaker. Fidelia is always able to work well as part of a team, sharing her ideas but also listening to the ideas from others.

Lochlann for showing forgiveness. Lochlann always allows his friends to make mistakes in their play and work and, without causing a fuss, he helps them to fix it and they all move on together.

Albert for being a creative thinker. Albert is showing that he can make links between different areas of his learning, applying old skills to new situations.

Precious for being an independent learner. Precious is using her 5Bs to find a buddy, when she gets stuck on a task.


Year 2

Jade for compassion. Jade goes out of her way to ensure she is kind to all of her friends. Jade shows empathy when her friends are upset.

Jovencio for being humble. Joe tries hard to do the right thing without looking for reward.

Lynette for truthfulness. Lynette tries hard to tell the truth all of the time and encourages her friends to do this as well. 

Mireya for being a self-manager. Mireya has worked really hard to write a letter on the computer and carried on even though it was difficult. 

Amos for being a problem solver. Amos has worked hard to show his problem solving skills, especially in Forest School.

Alayna for being an independent learner. Alayna has worked very hard to stay focused in all of her learning.

Year 3

Charlotte for being humble. Charlotte is kind and will try to make people happy.

Wonuola for offering service to all. Wonuola has wonderful manners and uses them all the time.

Nia-Tyra for being a reflective learner. Nia-Tyra has shown resilience and a willingness to learn, especially in subjects she does not find easy.

Sebastian for being a reflective learner. Sebastian has shown resilience and willingness to learn. He has worked hard to improve his calculations and reasoning in maths this week.

Joanne for being an effective investigator. Joanne has completed a lot of research and work in her own time about what we have learnt in class.

Year 4

Tilly for being humble. Tilly is always ready to begin tasks with correct equipment and attitude to learning without a fuss or needing reminders. 

Amy for being humble. Amy will go out of her way to show kindness, care and patience with her friends and other peers in the school and does this without expecting recognition from adults. 

Louie for demonstrating compassion. Louie has been encouraging his peers in tasks that some have found difficult and always does this with a smile on his face. 

Davina for being an independent learner. Davina has worked consistently well throughout this term and is confident in working independently and using her 5Bs to support her learning. 

Tessa for being a reflective evaluator. Tessa has shown great reflection in her work by using feedforward advice to edit, improve and make changes if necessary. 

Kanye for being a pro-active social thinker. Kanye has been showing a great attitude to learning by sharing his ideas and listening to others. 


Year 5

David for being humble. David has good manners and uses them all the time.

Aaron for showing service to all. Aaron is supportive, collaborative and respectful when working as a team and challenges those who are not.

Nathaniel for being a peacemaker. Nathaniel always tries to be at peace with others by being friendly and tries to do the right thing to prevent problems.

Kharis for being a self-manager. Kharis always organises herself well before the lesson starts making sure she has all the resources she needs.

Edward for being a self-manager. Edward has made a huge improvement on being  self-organised and remembers what he needs to bring to school.

Lex for being an active communicator. Lex is an active listener, who always listens carefully and follows instructions when working on a task.

Year 6

Olivia for demonstrating truthfulness. Olivia is consistently seeking to make the right choices in her behaviour and has a strong sense of integrity in her conduct around the school.

Migle for demonstrating truthfulness. Migle is consistently seeking to make the right choices in her behaviour and has a strong sense of integrity in her conduct around the school.

Joshua O for demonstrating truthfulness. Joshua has begun to recognise the importance of being true to what he knows is right and being prepared to not just 'follow the crowd'.

Mya for being a creative thinker. During our forest school session this week, Mya was able to independently generate her own idea for a project to work on and remained focused when doing this.

Caleb for being an effective investigator. Caleb was able to adapt and apply his mathematical thinking skills to a challenging task. Furthermore, he used a good range of mathematical vocabulary in the discussion.

Rebecca for being a problem solver. During our science experiment, Rebecca was able to think critically and creatively, using her imagination to successfully solve the problems she came across during our investigation.

27th January 2023


Reception Class

Briana for being a self-manager. Briana was able to select and use appropriate resources when making her hedgehog during our Forest School session.

Robert for being a self-manager. Robert remained focused throughout his activity of making a robot and a label to display on the Wow cupboard.

Tinuade for being a pro-active social thinker. Tinuade is able to listen without interrupting and will happily explain her thinking to adults and children alike.

Alfie for offering service to all. Alfie will look after resources and he willingly helps to keep the classroom tidy.

Joy for offering service to all. Joy has settled into the class well and happily communicates with everyone, helping others when appropriate.

Giuliana for being humble. Giuliana is willing to take turns and share resources, understanding that nobody is more or less important than another.


Year 1

Joel for being an effective investigator. He has spent much of his child initiated learning exploring and investigating, particularly in the outdoor area, mastering research skills like using magnifying glasses for close observation, the iPad for photographing evidence and building collections for what he has found.

Josiah for being a self-manager. He has been reflecting on his thoughts and actions and using these ideas to help him focus on whole class learning. Well done.

Peter for being an information processor. He has been storing and recalling his phonics facts to help develop his reading and writing skills.

Oluwabukunmi for showing compassion. During forest school she spent time explaining to her peers how she solved some physical challenges outside, so that they could try to be successful too.

Joel for showing forgiveness. Joel has been much kinder to himself and has learnt to forgive himself for minor mistakes he has made, showing more patience and resilience.

Matthew for showing truthfulness. Matthew took responsibility for outdoor equipment, saying that it was him who left it out. After that he was determined to show that he could be responsible and look after the area and the equipment, helping the adults when needed. Thank you Matthew.


Year 2

Tomas for being an active communicator. Tomas has worked really hard at putting his hand up to share his ideas on the carpet, while also trying hard to communicate his needs and ideas with the adults. 

Joshion for being a problem solver. Joshion has worked hard to overcome different problems during his project learning and carried on despite this.

Bella for being a pro-active social thinker. Bella has been a good role model, always showing kindness to her friends and having a positive attitude towards her learning.

Lynette for showing faithfulness. Lynette has worked really hard to share her ideas and has worked really well during RE lessons.

Chisom for being a peacemaker. Chisom has been working hard to resolve issues between her friends.

Chimdaalu for truthfulness. Chimdaalu has tried hard to always tell the truth even if it is difficult.

Uriah for service to all. Uriah has been great at helping his friends during project learning, especially helping with their computer skills.


Year 3

Jayden for being a problem solver. Jayden thinks of different ways to solve a problem and perseveres with his work.

Maria for being a self-manager. Maria always works within a given timeframe and she knows how to ask for help when necessary.

Nosa for being an active communicator. Nosa is able to contribute, communicate and discuss his ideas.

Miracle for being truthful. Miracle is honest about what she can do and what she needs help with.  

Annabel for being faithful. Annabel shares her understanding of faith with others to help them learn.

Joshua for being humble. Joshua is kind and will help others without being asked.


Year 4

Elliot for being a problem solver. Elliot was fantastic in Maths this week at using previous knowledge to help with word problems. He then gave great reasoning to the whole class about how and why he got to his answer. Maxime for being a problem solver. Maxime has been fantastic in Maths this week at solving tricky word problems. He has been able to explain to peers his rationale for his workings out. Ethan for being an active communicator. Ethan has provided great explanations and definitions of figurative language and has been able to explain to his peers where he has identified these in narrative poetry.

Freddie L for faithfulness. Freddie has shown faithfulness this week by trying really hard in R.E. analysing scripture and discussing how this scripture can be used as a part of his daily life. Freddie B for faithfulness. Freddie has shown faithfulness this week by trying really hard in R.E. analysing scripture and discussing how this scripture can be used as a part of his daily life. Towela for faithfulness. Towela showed great engagement this week in R.E., expressing the importance of faith by sharing thoughts and reasons on why Mass is important in our Catholic faith.  Year 5

Isabella for being an independent learner. Isabella follows instructions given for learning, remains focused in all lessons and works independently using 5Bs.  As a result, she is able to produce a good standard of work in every subject. 

Francine for being a reflective evaluator. Francine always evaluates her own learning carefully through self-assessment tasks and is eager to receive feedback to further improve her work if necessary.

Jebishan for being a pro-active social thinker - Jebishan is a fantastic role model to everyone as he always shows respect, listens without interrupting, follows instructions in all lessons and is not fazed by problems easily. 

Nathan for offering truthfulness. Nathan is showing real courage and trying to be truthful even though he finds admitting wrong doing tricky. Recently, he has been very open and honest about his mistakes and realized talking things through is the best way to move forward. 

Isabel for showing forgiveness. Isabel showed real maturity by accepting an apology and showing understanding when the situation was explained to her. She is willing to forgive rather than holding grudges. 

Benediktas for being humble. Benediktas uses his talents to help others, especially in challenging maths tasks, offering support and explanation, and modelling further examples to help his friends be successful. 


Year 6

Adele for being an active communicator. During our class assembly, Adele was enthusiastic in her delivery and was willing to listen carefully and follow the instructions given to her.

Shevonne for being an active communicator. During our class assembly, Shevonne was enthusiastic in her delivery and was willing to listen carefully and follow the instructions given to her.

Kaylee for being a pro-active social thinker. Kaylee has demonstrated this school value in the way in which she approached the preparation for our class assembly; she suggested resolutions to problems that were encountered and respected the points of others.

Eliana for demonstrating faithfulness. In our RE lessons, Eliana's contributions and work are always of a high quality which allows her to share the faith with others, helping them to learn and understand.

Caleb for demonstrating compassion. In our RE lesson this week, Caleb worked well showing originality of thought in his analysis of scripture. His points helped others to learn and understand the faith more deeply.

Mya for being humble. Mya demonstrates this school value by not seeking praise as well as showing how to be respectful to school property.

20th January 2023


Reception Class

Chimdimma for being an independent learner as she stayed focused to use one handed tools when making a mobile during Forest School.

Oliver for being an independent learner as he made connections when measuring and cutting materials for a castle in the role-play area.

Leo for being an active communicator for taking turns with his friends to make a Dinosaur Land with Lego.

Joel worked to serve others when he tidied the class, looked after resources and helped others when they had finished their jobs.

Angelo worked to serve others when he tidied the class, looked after resources and helped others when they had finished their jobs.

June for being faithful to the teachings of the Beatitudes because she selected a book for her friend that she knew was her favourite.

Year 1

Anh for being a self-manager. Anh was able to work on his own for a period of time and asked for help when he needed it.

Gabriel for being a pro-active social thinker. Gabriel was able to talk to, and listen to everyone in a small group without interrupting them.

Miya for being an independent learner. Miya is beginning to make connections between her learning.

Prosper for being a peacemaker. He showed kindness to his peers by doing small acts of kindness.

Kathy Theresa for offering forgiveness. She is always seeking to find solutions to small problems which may arise between her peers.

Kaiyah for being faithful. Kaiyah asked interesting questions to help her understand her faith more deeply.

Year 2

Darragh for being a reflective evaluator. During his science project, Darragh has been evaluating his work to make it the best project it can be.

Uriah for being an effective investigator. Uriah has worked hard over the past two weeks in his science investigation comparing which experiment makes the best volcano.

Jasmine for being an active communicator. Jasmine has tried really hard to participate all of the time and ask for help when she is not sure of what to do.

Etinosa for being truthful. Etinosa has tried really hard to be truthful, even if it has been difficult.

Jasmine for faithfulness. Jasmine has tried really hard during RE lessons, showing her understanding of her faith.

Bella for being a peacemaker. Bella has been really good at compromising during group work to ensure everyone is able to join in.

Year 3

Chidi for being a problem solver. Chidi has been using key vocabulary to solve maths problems and explain them effectively to the class.

Miracle for being a problem solver. Miracle has being using key vocabulary to solve maths problems and has been working hard to solve them more independently.

Zachariah for being a problem solver. Zachariah has recognised and explained problems, making links in his learning.

Mary-Jennifer for being humble. Mary-Jennifer will do something for the greater good with no recognition.  

Arabella for being truthful. Arabella has the courage to do the right thing even if others will not.  

Steven for being truthful. Steven will speak the truth even if it is hard, take responsible for his actions and accept what happens next.  

Year 4

Tamilore for being a self-manager. Tamilore leads by example in class by always being ready for learning, starting tasks promptly and completely all her work to a high standard. 

Jeremy for being a creative thinker. Jeremy contributed his own creative ideas in our English creative story group task this week and communicated some great ideas about his mythical creature. 

Simona for being a creative thinker. Simona has worked really hard this week in English creating her own mythical creature and sharing ideas on imagery in the James Reeves poem 'The Hippocrump.' 

Elise for faithfulness. Elise has worked really hard in RE this week explaining in detail the importance and components of the Introductory Rite at Mass. 

Louie for service to all. Louie has been leading by example this week with his willingness to help others, especially adults in the classroom, by offering with help with jobs. 

Maya for service to all. Maya has been a fantastic learning partner this week and has shown great collaboration in group work. 


Year 5

Mya for being a creative thinker. Mya uses her imagination to be creative in art and craft activities. With her learning partner, she has created a beautiful collage of an eco-system.

Stefan for being an effective investigator and problem solver. Stefan has investigated maths problems involving multiples and was able to solve some tricky ones explaining clearly how to identify large multiples of a given number.

Hattie for being a self-manager. Hattie has been working really hard in all lessons, staying focused and persevering more and more when she is given challenging tasks. 

Asaya for being faithful.  Asaya always shares her knowledge about RE topics and helps others in class understand the key points. During the work on 'Sainthood', she made good contributions about the qualities of Saints and how they help us be faithful. 

Cristina for being humble. Cristina always lend a helping hand and goes out of her way to help others, like the good Samaritan. She offers help to adults in her class as well as her friends, and she does not seek recognition.

Cian for being a peacemaker. Cian is always patient and gentle towards others. In any situation, he manages to play or work peacefully with his friends, shares with them and forgives them, which brings harmony to his relationship with them. 

Year 6

Brooke for being a reflective evaluator. Brooke demonstrated this learning behaviour during our Climate Change focus in the way in which she fed back to, and improved, her key vocabulary sheet.

Feranmi for being a problem solver. In preparation for our class assembly, Feranmi worked hard to learn his lines. During our practice for the assembly, Feranmi demonstrated his creativity and imagination through his engaging performance.

Azoma for being a problem solver. In preparation for our class assembly, Azoma worked hard to learn his lines. During our practice for the assembly, Azoma demonstrated his creativity and imagination through his engaging performance.

Hannah for being humble. Despite only joining the class at the beginning of this term, Hannah has demonstrated this school value by leading by example; listening carefully, not seeking praise as well as showing how to be respectful to others. 

Florence for demonstrating faithfulness. Florence demonstrated this school value by dedicating her forest school session to sharing the faith with others and helping them to learn and understand through the project she was focused on. 

Skye for demonstrating faithfulness. Skye demonstrated this school value by dedicating her forest school session to sharing the faith with others and helping them to learn and understand through the project she was focused on. 

13th January 2023


Reception Class

Owen for being a creative thinker. Owen made links in his learning when he built a church out of Duplo and spoke about Father Stephen and the congregation.

Luke for being a pro-active social thinker. Luke was a good team member, listening and sharing ideas with others when he was building his Gurdwara.

Keyaan for being an active communicator. Keyaan will now communicate his needs and ideas confidently in a variety of situations.

Leon for being truthful. Leon is always truthful in every situation even if he is in the wrong. He has a strong belief in fairness and justice and will actively seek out the truth.

Tymon for being humble. Tymon will go out of his way to help his friends and will happily do something for the greater good without looking for recognition. 

Noah for being humble. Noah will go out of his way to help his friends and will happily do something for the greater good without looking for recognition. 

Year 1

Olujimi for being a pro-active social thinker.  Olujimi offers suggestions and guidance to his peers.

Kaiyah for being an effective investigator.  Kaiyah has gained confidence in using the internet to find answers to her questions.

Terrell for being a creative thinker.  Terrell is able to change his ideas when things do not go as he plans.

Louisa-Grace for service to all.  Louisa-Grace checks to see if her friends need support and helpfully guides them.

Theon for being humble.  Theon strives to do the right thing without seeking reward.

Isaiah for being a peacemaker.  Isaiah was able to talk through his feelings and was considerate of others.

Year 2

Annabeth for being an active communicator. Annabeth has worked hard to share her ideas and opinions with the whole class and within a group.

Promise for being a creative thinker. Promise has worked hard this week with creative tasks. He has worked hard to use his imagination and didn't give up when he found it difficult.

Grace for being an active communicator. Grace has worked hard to share her ideas around climate change with the whole class.

Leonel for compassion. Leonel has tried really hard this week, helping others when they need it, especially helping them to sew. 

Michaela for being humble. Michaela has been leading by example by always being ready to learn without wanting recognition.

Grace for compassion. Grace is always considerate of other children in the class and demonstrates kindness regularly.

Year 3

Steven for being a creative thinker because he is experimenting more with his ideas and taking risks. Steven created an incredible picture for the mosaic.

Lucy for being an information processor. Lucy researched and organised her ideas when finding out about recycled products.

Poppy for being an independent learner. Poppy is becoming more of an independent learner by focusing more on her work.

Faith for offering service to all. Faith supported her friends and teachers by contributing brilliantly to the litter picking event.

Abigail for offering service to all. Abigail supported her friends and teachers by contributing brilliantly to the litter picking event.

Dominykas for offering service to all. Dominykas supported his friends and teachers by contributing brilliantly to the litter picking event.

Year 4

Daniel for being an active communicator. Daniel has been sharing his knowledge with his peers when discussing biodiversity, eco-systems and fair-trade. He has been contributing effectively in group discussions and partner work.

Maxime for being an active communicator. Maxime has become more confident this week to make valid contributions to class discussions, particularly when expressing his own opinion and ideas during partner work. 

Isaac Mendis for being a pro-active social thinker. It has been very noticeable that Isaac has been working really hard this week and he has been contributing interesting and thoughtful ideas in whole class discussions and within group work regarding climate change. 

Ire for compassion. Ire has been a fantastic learning partner this week, encouraging discussions and involvement of all, in group tasks and partner work. 

Davina for service to all. Davina has shown that she is able to get on with her tasks and learning without having to be reminded or prompted. She is regularly one of the first children to be ready for the new lesson and does not allow distractions to get in the way of her learning.

Kanye for faithfulness. Kanye has been showing and making links from prior learning between Fundamental British Values and Catholic Social Teaching, explaining brilliantly the importance of solidarity, equality, diversity and unity. 

Year 5

AJ for being an information processor. AJ has processed the information she researched about what oceans provide us with to answer her self-assessment question carefully giving evidence.

Jane for being an independent learner. Jane has been using her 5Bs during our climate change topic and was able to answer questions independently.

Stan for offering service to all. Stan has made a great start to the term and been a good role model to everyone in class with his behaviour and attitude towards learning.

Oma for being humble. Oma is always a very supportive learning partner and she  volunteers to help others in class as well. 


Year 6

Migle for being an independent learner. Throughout our Creativity week, Migle has shown that she is able to work effectively on independent tasks; she works to a given time frame and uses her 5Bs successfully. 

Mya for being a pro-active social thinker. Mya has worked well this week with her learning partner, discussing activities and sharing her ideas well.

Kayla for being a pro-active social thinker. Kayla was very welcoming to her new learning partner and did very well in explaining all of the class routines and different activities.

Zakk for showing forgiveness. Zakk has shown that he understands other children's behaviour choices and is aware that is sometimes difficult to make the right decisions, and he gives others time to change. 

Caleb for showing service to all. Caleb demonstrated this school value by working really effectively when creating prayer bags for other classes to use.

Orla for demonstrating faithfulness. Orla demonstrated this school value by being very thoughtful and reverent in her responses during our work on Sikhism.

15th December 2022


Reception Class

Leon for being a creative thinker. Leon is always happy to try different ideas and will take a risk with his learning and learns from any mistakes he makes.

Malachi for being an independent learner. Malachi is a very active listener who always tries to give reasons for his answers or ideas. 

Giuliana for being a reflective evaluator. Giuliana always listens to feedback and will try to make any changes to her work. 

Varnikha for being a self-manager. Varnikha tries to make the right behaviour choices in her learning. She tries to persevere and will select and use resources independently. 

Chimdimma for being a self-manager. Chimdimma has managed herself fabulously in settling into Our Lady’s during a busy week. She can select and use resources independently as well as managing her own belongings.

June for showing compassion. June independently offers encouragement to other children without looking for any praise or recognition.

Ethan for being truthful. Ethan is always truthful in every situation even if he is in the wrong. He has a strong belief in fairness and justice and will actively seek out the truth.

Zion for being faithful. During RE lessons,  Zion is a great role model by being an active listener,  responding with thoughtful answers and ideas. 

Angelo for being faithful. During RE lessons, Angelo is a great role model by being an active listener, responding with thoughtful answers and ideas.  Vithushan for being humble. Vithushan will go out of his way to help his friends and will happily do something for the greater good without looking for recognition. 

Year 1

Precious for being a creative thinker.  Precious has been working on finding different ways to explore her learning.

Kaiyah for being an information processor.  Kaiyah has used the internet to research Bethlehem and has also created a map so that she will be able to travel to Bethlehem.

Theo J for being a reflective evaluator.  Theo has been evaluating his work, identifying what went well and explaining his choices.

Oluwabukunmi for being a peacemaker.  Oluwabukunmi strives to communicate the needs of everybody in the group, with consideration of other people's feelings.

Belle for being humble.  Belle seeks to learn from all of those around her, and acts on advice given to her.

Olujimi for faithfulness.  Olujimi was committed to his role in the school Nativity, even learning and delivering lines with less than a week to practice them.

Year 2

Amos for being a pro-active social thinker. Amos tries really hard to participate in class discussions.

Scarlett for being a reflective evaluator. Scarlett has tried really hard to check her work and make corrections if she spots a mistake.

TJ for being humble. TJ is always ready to begin tasks and ensures she has all the equipment she needs. She never makes a fuss or needs a reminder she just does it.

Ruby for compassion. Ruby always wants to help those who are upset or struggling, always asking if they are alright.

Emma for being humble. Emma has begun to show humbleness very frequently over the term. Particularly when she has been rewarded with tokens, Emma always thanks the adult giving her tokens.

Darragh for showing faithfulness. Darragh has worked really hard during RE this term and has been participating in all discussions.

Year 3

David for being an active communicator. David participates clearly and well during class discussions and with his peers. He is also showing great listening skills and works hard to focus. 

Mason for being an independent learner. Mason focuses on his work and edits and checks his work for improvements. 

Joanne for being a pro-active social learner. Joanne takes turns with her peers, listens to other  opinions and has a mature attitude towards her learning.

Shwetha for being a self-manager. Shwetha works within a given time frame and is a focused, motivated and self-reflective learner.

Miracle for being an active communicator. Miracle now clearly communicates her needs with an adult when she is finding something difficult and participates more in class discussions using full sentences. 

Janiah for being humble. Janiah will always lend a helping hand to other without being asked and will ask for help when needed.

Nia-Tyra for showing compassion. Nia-Tyra is thoughtful, kind and selfless in deed or action. She also always shows good manners and is kind to everyone.

Poppy for showing forgiveness. Poppy is willing to show a change in behaviour rather than just saying sorry and doing nothing.

Esmee for being faithful. Esmee has the faith to put Jesus at the centre of all that she does so that she is a role model to everyone at school.

Amelia for offering compassion. Amelia offers help, comfort and words of encouragement to her peers and learning partners. 


Year 4

Louie for being an information processor. Louie has shown that he can work really hard when learning new skills in computing. Louie has been learning how to type documents on Word on the computer, learning new skills for what different keys mean. Louie picked up these new skills very quickly and was able to produce a lot of work independently.  

Freddie Byrne for being a reflective evaluator. Freddie worked really hard in evaluating his learning behaviours and general behaviour over the last two terms in his pupil review report writing. He thought very hard about what he achieved and what he thinks he can improve on to further his learning throughout Year 4.  

Xanthie for being an active communicator. Xanthie has consistently shared her ideas and thoughts to contribute to group and partner work discussions without being called upon. Xanthie speaks clearly and confidently when participating and shows consideration to others when her peers are talking. 

Darasimi for being a pro-active social thinker. Darasimi has been self-motivated in his learning and independent tasks and has a good attitude towards his learning across all subjects.  

Molly for being an independent learner. Molly has worked really hard on being a more independent learner, without having to ask adults for reassurance on tasks she is doing. She has shown her confidence has grown whilst doing things independently and that she is able to organise herself for her learning without adult support.  

Melanie for truthfulness. Melanie was very honest this week when her group was asked about property that had been damaged. Melanie showed courage by admitting that she had accidently caused the damage, showing her peers that it is always better to be truthful.

Mikaela for being humble. Mikaela has been leading by example this week in her readiness to learn and her engagement without needing or expecting praise. She worked extremely hard on her pupil report and consistently got on with the task every morning without being prompted. 

Ethan for faithfulness. Ethan showed faithfulness in the KS2 Christmas Carol Concert with a big loud voice and smile on his face. He showed fantastic attention to the children leading readings, reflection in prayers and engagement in the Carols and Year 4 prayer.  

Tessa for faithfulness. Tessa showed faithfulness in the KS2 Christmas Carol Concert with a big loud voice and smile on her face. She showed fantastic attention to the children leading readings, reflection in prayers and engagement in the Carols and Year 4 prayer.  

Tilly for service to all. Tilly led by example in the KS2 Christmas Carol concert. Tilly demonstrated to her peers the importance of performance during the singing of the carols and performed all the songs with a beaming smile on her face. She had a lovely loud, clear voice and offered encouragement to other classmates who were not as confident.

Year 5

Arthur for being a problem solver. Arthur was able to overcome difficulties by making suggestions when we were sewing materials on to a piece of fabric in our project management lesson. He was able to fix the stitches on a piece of ribbon without having to start again. 

Cristina for being a problem solver. Cristina was able to solve a problem and help her friend by finding a way to sew a plastic lid onto a piece of fabric as well as doing a cross stitch to cover up a cut on the fabric.

Maisie for being an independent learner. Maisie showed creativity and independence with her design by using a range of objects on a piece of fabric. You carefully arranged and sew them neatly in our project management lesson.

Cian for being a self-manager. Cian was able to follow instructions carefully and persevered to complete his task in our project management lesson. He was very organised and worked well independently.

Cillian for being an active communicator. Cillian has been making valuable contributions to class discussions and is becoming increasingly confident in communicating when he experiences problems on his task. 

Francine for showing service to all. Francine has been an excellent role model in the way she is focusing on the scripture analysis, showing determination to understand the meaning, contributing to class discussions and answering others' questions to help. 

Matthew for being truthful. Matthew has been open and honest about his feelings of anger at play times. He acted very maturely to talk about it rather than hurting someone. Well done Matthew!

Anna for being humble. Anna is always kind to others and always does the right thing without expecting a reward for it. 

Gika for being humble. Gika has been very thoughtful and kind by making pom poms at home for everyone who needed it for our project management. She is also a good role model to everyone as she always tries to solve a problem without arguing.

KJ for being faithful. KJ always respects God and shows enjoyment in praising God. He sings all the hymns wholeheartedly and we really enjoyed all his singing in our Christmas concerts. 

Year 6

Oscar for being a problem solver. Oscar has worked hard in his own time to learn and further practise his times tables and division facts.

Channelle for being a problem solver. Channelle has worked hard in her own time to learn and further practise her times tables and division facts.

Skye for being an independent learner. Throughout this term, Skye has consistently worked hard in all independent tasks and is beginning to use her 5Bs more effectively.

Brooke for being an independent learner. Throughout this term, Brooke has consistently worked hard in all independent tasks and is beginning to use her 5Bs more effectively.

Eliana for being a creative thinker. Eliana worked effectively with her partner to create a wonderful booklet in our art topic. 

Abigail  for being a pro-active speaker. Abigail demonstrated this learning behaviour by leading the school so well during our KS2 Christmas Concert.

Olivia for demonstrating faithfulness. Olivia consistently demonstrates this value by showing the utmost reverence during times of prayer and at masses. She also read very well at Mass on Sunday.

Migle  for demonstrating faithfulness. Migle consistently demonstrates this value by showing the utmost reverence during times of prayer and at masses. She also read very well at Mass on Sunday.

Joshua F for demonstrating service to all. Joshua demonstrated this value by leading the school so well during our KS2 Christmas Concert.

Nancy for being humble. Nancy demonstrated this value by leading the school so well during our KS2 Christmas Concert.

25th November 2022



Vithushan for being an active communicator. Vithushan speaks clearly and confidently to explain his thinking or actions and will always take turns in a conversation.

Elliot for being a problem solver. While in the role play, Elliot independently helped another child by finding and repairing a resource that they wanted.

Giuliana for being a creative thinker. Giuliana is becoming more confident to take risks, especially on the climbing frame and in Forest School, and will explore different ways of completing an activity.

Amarah for being faithful. Amarah has worked really hard to learn the songs for our Nativity play.

Chisimdi for being faithful. Chisimdi has worked really hard to learn the songs for our Nativity play.

Leo for being faithful. Leo said a prayer independently at Forest School asking for Jesus' help when he was stuck in the mud.


Year 1

Seyifunmi for being an active communicator. Seyifunmi is starting to use some familiar signs to communicate her needs and she is beginning to respond to what her teachers would like her to do.

Bukunmi for being a reflective evaluator. Bukunmi is evaluating her learning and is beginning to check her work.

Theo J for being truthful. Theo is learning to be truthful in all areas of school life.

Joel for being truthful. Joel is learning to be truthful in all areas of school life.


Year 2

Jovencio for being a pro-active social thinker. Jovencio has been trying really hard to contribute in discussions as well as listening to and respecting the opinions of others.

Jasmine for being a self-manager. Jasmine has been working really hard to stay focused and not give up in her work. Jasmine has also been asking for help when she is unsure.

Joshion for being faithful. Joshion has worked really hard to contribute in our RE lessons and has tried to answer his friends' questions in RE. 

Eloka for offering service to all. Eloka has been trying really hard in all areas of school life.


Year 3

Gabriella for being a pro-active social thinker. Gabriella is now actively participating in class discussions and trying hard to share her ideas in a clear way.

Dominykas for being a reflective evaluator. Dominykas is taking feedforward advice  on board in a mature way by thanking someone for their help and amending his work accordingly. 

Ivy for being a problem solver. Ivy is a focused, responsible and  resilient learner who can work to a given time frame and solves any problems she encounters.

Jayden for being humble. Jayden is kind and will help others without being asked and will do something for the greater good with no recognition. 

Wonuola for offering forgiveness. Wonuola has an open and giving heart that shows understanding and is always willing to give someone a second chance.

Nosa for being humble. Nosa has wonderful manners and uses them all the time.  


Year 4

Tessa for being a problem solver. Tessa has been working really hard in Maths and was able to successfully identify the answer to a range of difficult problem solving questions. She then shared her working out and method to support others in their own knowledge and understanding. 

Simona for being a self-manager. Simona has shown that she is able to get on with her learning without having to be reminded or prompted. She follows instructions quickly and without fuss.

Louie for being an independent learner. Louie has worked really hard this week with getting on with his tasks promptly and independently without adult support. He has been working hard to listen to tasks and instructions given and not be distracted from his work.

Xanthie for offering faithfulness. Xanthie has worked really hard this week in RE and has shared thoughtful and considerate ideas during discussions of ‘The Annunciation’ and how God sent Jesus as a gift for us all. She analysed artwork and considered how the different paintings conveyed different messages and meanings. 

Maxime for being forgiving. Maxime encountered an upsetting and difficult situation this week in which some people were not being kind. Maxime was able to forgive those who had not been kind and not hold a grudge and did not let the incident affect his learning, attitude, or behaviour. 


Year 5

Aaron for being an independent learner. Aaron works to the best of his ability using the 5Bs and is beginning to reflect upon his learning more carefully.

Isla-Poppy for being a self-manager. Isla-Poppy is always organised in class and ready for all lessons. She works well under pressure and is beginning to use the 5Bs more consistently.

Nathan for being an information processor. Nathan always reads information carefully and asks good questions before recording facts and stating opinions. He is very diligent at evaluating and interpreting the information he records.  

Lex for being a peacemaker. Lex always works well in a team expressing his views confidently as well as being a considerate team worker. He is a good listener, is patient and will go the extra mile to make sure that his group achieve their goal as a team. 

Cillian for being humble. Cillian always shows good manners to adults by always saying please, thank you and excuse me. He is willing to learn from others and is getting better at asking for help when he is stuck with his learning. 

Arthur for being truthful. Arthur is honest in any situation and will correct anyone who is not honest when something happens. He listens more carefully when he receives advice and guidance from all adults. 


Year 6

Alisa for being an effective investigator. During our Maths learning, Alisa has worked hard to ensure that she is always trying her best to remain motivated and actively listen to the input of the lesson.

Maya for being an effective investigator. During our Maths learning, Maya has worked hard to ensure that she is always trying her best to remain motivated and actively listen to the input of the lesson.

Kaylee for being a reflective evaluator. Kaylee has been working hard recently to recognise that mistakes happen throughout the day and how we manage these is the important factor in making progress. 

Rebecca for demonstrating faithfulness. Rebecca produced a wonderful Advent calendar for her homework; each door of the calendar contained a thoughtful message for someone to consider during this season of waiting.

Migle for being a peacemaker. Migle consistently demonstrates this value in all that she does in school. She is welcoming and inclusive and lives out the Beatitudes in all that she does.

Channelle for being a peacemaker. Channelle for trying hard to improve how she maintains and develops relationships with those around her. 

18th November 2022


Reception Class

Joel for being a creative thinker. Joel is always happy to try different ideas and will take a risk with his learning and learns from any mistakes he makes.

Freddie for being an independent learner. Freddie is a very active listener who readily gives reasons for his answers or ideas. He brings prior knowledge to any new learning and is always willing to share his ideas with others.

Tymon for being a reflective learner. Tymon always listens to feedback and will happily make any necessary changes to his work, without being afraid to try something new.

Tinuade for offering compassion. Tinuade independently offered encouragement to another child and went out of her way to be kind to them without looking for any praise or recognition.

Briana for being truthful. Briana is always truthful in every situation even if she is in the wrong. She has a strong belief in fairness and justice and will actively seek out the truth.

Aylann for being truthful. Aylann always tries to speak the truth and will accept what happens next. He always tries to treat everyone equally.

Year 1

Lochlann for being a problem solver. Lochlann has been persevering with challenges and trying out a variety of ways to solve his learning challenges.

Matthew for being an independent learner. He has been working hard in phonics.

Miya for being truthful. Miya has been reflecting honestly on her learning.

Theodore B for offering service to all. He has been offering his ideas and thoughts to the class, on a regular basis.


Year 2

Bella for being a problem solver. Bella has worked really hard to work through the problems she has faced recently, especially with her maths work.

Tomas for being a reflective evaluator. Tomas has worked really hard to recognise when he has not made the right choice and changed his behaviour.

Aniya for being an independent learner. Aniya has worked independently to create a teddy in project learning, making her own decisions to seek advice.

Maya for her faithfulness. Maya has actively participated in class RE discussions.


Year 3

Gabriella for being an active communicator. Gabriella is more confident communicating her ideas during class discussions.

Ivy for being a self-manager. Ivy is always organised and ready to work and has all her equipment to hand.

Nia-Tyra for being an independent learner. Nia-Tyra is becoming more independent when learning.

Arabella for offering service to all. Arabella is a fantastic role model for all.

Wonuola for being humble. Wonuola is always kind and willing to help everyone in the class without the need for reward or recognition.

Year 4

Towela for being a self-manager. Towela has shown that she is able to get on with her tasks and learning without having to be reminded or prompted. She is regularly one of the first children to be ready for the new lesson and does not allow distractions to get in the way of her learning.

Freddie B for being a creative thinker. Freddie has worked really well within Art lessons this week exploring blotted line technique created by Andy Warhol. He listened very well during modelling and was the first person to finish his artwork with outstanding results. 

Kanye for being an independent learner. Kanye has been consistently on task throughout all lessons. He has shown that he is able to organise himself and contributes well in all areas of learning. 

Freddie L for compassion. Freddie has made great contributions during our Anti-bullying sessions. He has shown real maturity in his understanding of the sensitive topic and has offered great ideas on how we can all help anyone who is experiencing bullying.

Isaac M for service to all. Isaac always shows excellent manners towards everyone. He is very supportive towards his friends and never misses an opportunity to offer a helping hand to his class teacher. 

Davina for being humble. Davina is an excellent role model to her peers through her learning behaviours and general behaviour. She is consistently setting high expectations for herself and others in her contributions to class and group work.

Year 5

David for being an active communicator. David has become more confident in recent weeks to make valid contributions to class discussions, particularly when expressing his own opinion and ideas during group work.

Gika for being a self-manager. Gika is always a focused and responsible learner who knows when to ask for help. She makes good contributions to class discussions and is very respectful of others’ ideas and opinions. She is always willing to compromise with others.

Isabella for being a self-manager. Isabella is always focused on the task in hand and will help others to achieve. She knows when to ask for help and is always punctual and organised. She is a very good learning partner to all.

Mya for being faithful. Mya has made excellent contributions to the new Advent RE topic. During class discussions, she could tell everyone what it means to a Christian during this time, making links to the importance of family.

Anthony for showing compassion. Anthony helped organise the equipment for art after seeing the adults struggling. After the session, he took it upon himself to tidy up the classroom without being asked. Furthermore, his artwork was amazing.

Jane for showing forgiveness. When a problem arose, Jane was able to talk to, resolve and forgive the person who had upset her.

Year 6

Skye for being an effective investigator. During our anti-bullying and safeguarding focus, Skye was able to effectively plan, organise and complete her group work to a high standard.

Eliana for being an effective investigator. During our anti-bullying and safeguarding focus, Eliana was able to effectively plan, organise and complete her group work to a high standard.

Olivia for being an effective investigator. During our anti-bullying and safeguarding focus, Olivia was able to effectively plan, organise and complete her group work to a high standard.

Kayla for demonstrating service to all. Kayla has shown service to all by always lending a helping hand and going out of her way to help others like the Good Samaritan, especially children in younger year groups.

Nancy for showing forgiveness. During a forest school session, Nancy was able to demonstrate this value knowing that forgiving others can bring peace of mind and allow for progress to be made.

Azoma for being humble. Azoma is able to recognise the abilities and strengths of others and learn from them. 

4th November 2022


Reception Class

Ariella for being faithful.  During Mass this week Ariella was a great role model by acting appropriately, being an active listener,  responding to the prayers and trying to join in with the hymns. Well done Ariella!

Hannah for being faithful. During Mass this week Hannah was a great role model by acting appropriately, being an active listener,  responding to the prayers and trying to join in with the hymns. Well done Hannah!

Kameron for being humble. Kameron always goes out of his way to help his friends and will happily do something for the greater good without looking for recognition, such as letting others pass through a doorway first, he has wonderful manners and will offer help or reminders to his friends to help them do the right thing. Well done Kameron!

Noah for being a self-manager. This week Noah has been willing to have a go and try new activities, persevering and remaining focused even through challenges. He has been instrumental in helping to set up the new role play areas and displays. Well done Noah!

Thomas for being a self-manager. During forest school this week Thomas was excellent at following instructions, working brilliantly with his partner and remaining focused while completing their journey stick together. Well done Thomas!

Oliver for being a self-manager. During forest school this week Oliver was excellent at following instructions, working brilliantly with his partner and remained focused while completing their journey stick together. Well done Oliver!


Year 1

Josiah for being faithful. Josiah has been an excellent role model during a whole school Mass, joining in with prayers correctly.

Anh for being faithful. Anh has been an excellent role model during a whole school Mass, joining in with prayers correctly.

Belle for being an active communicator. She has been learning how to look after small creatures during forest school, and sharing what she has learnt with others.

Daniel for being a reflective evaluator. Daniel has been working on improving his letter formation, taking advice from others and discussing good writing.

Year 2

Amos for being humble. Amos listens to the advice given to him by both his friends and adults.

Scarlett for showing compassion. Scarlett works really hard to resolve any issues with her friends and listens to them when they are explaining why they have done something.

Leonel for being an active communicator. Leonel has tried really hard to express his ideas and opinions with his friends and the whole class.

Alama for being an independent learner. Alama has worked really hard to express her love for art in different ways.

Year 3

Amelia for being humble as she always lends a helping hand without being asked. 

Tamsin for offering service to all. She is a patient and gentle child who is always prepared to go the extra mile and help others. 

Chidi for being truthful. He is honest even when it is hard and accepts what happens next. 

Mary Jennifer for being an independent learner. She always works to the best of her ability and reflects and acts on feedback. 

Joshua for being an active communicator. He participates well in class and shares his ideas clearly. 

Wonuola for being a creative thinker. She used her imagination and experimented with rhyming to produce an amazing poem. 

Year 4

Simona for service to all. Simona is a great learning partner who always offers to help others. She regularly asks members of staff if there is anything she can do to help.

Daniel for service to all. Daniel is an excellent role model in the classroom. He is patient, kind, and works well with others in peer work and group work. 

Ire for being a peacemaker. Ire has shown in class this week that she works well within a team and in group work she can take charge by being considerate, helpful and mindful of others within her group. 

Godswill for being a problem solver. Godswill has been organised and on task consistently all week. He has been quickly and effectively getting on with his tasks independently.

Elise for being a pro-active social thinker. It has been very noticeable that Elise has been working really hard this week and she has been contributing interesting and thoughtful ideas in whole class discussions and within group work.

Xanthie for being a creative thinker. Xanthie has had some fantastic thoughts and ideas that she has articulated clearly about fundamental British values and the contribution that famous black people have made throughout history in Britain. 

Year 5

Gika for offering service to all. Gika is an excellent role model to everyone with her general  behaviour no matter what the situation is. She gets on with every task without conflict and she is an effective team worker.

Oma for offering service to all. Oma is a good learning partner and will always do her best to help. She shows the qualities of being a great team worker by making sure that everyone is focused and the task is completed to a good standard.

Stefan for being a self-manager. Stefan always makes the right behaviour choices without expecting any praise. He does not allow distractions to get in the way of his learning.

Alden for being an independent learner- Alden works well independently, staying focused until he completes his task. He uses key vocabulary accurately, especially when he explains concepts in Science and Maths.

Kharis for being a problem solver. When working on the creativity topic of activism, she worked well with her learning partner and others to discuss key ideas, agree solutions and next steps. She listened carefully and was respectful of the opinions of others.

Asaya for being a problem solver. When working on the creativity topic of activism, she worked well with her learning partner and others to discuss key ideas, agree solutions and next steps. She listened carefully and was respectful of the opinions of others.

AJ for being a problem solver. When working on the creativity topic of activism, she worked well with her learning partner and others to discuss key ideas, agree solutions and next steps. She listened carefully and was respectful of the opinions of others.

Hattie for being a problem solver. When working on the creativity topic of activism, she worked well with her learning partner and others to discuss key ideas, agree solutions and next steps. She listened carefully and was respectful of the opinions of others.

Francine for being a problem solver. When working on the creativity topic of activism, she worked well with her learning partner and others to discuss key ideas, agree solutions and next steps. She listened carefully and was respectful of the opinions of others.

Nathaniel for being a problem solver. When working on the creativity topic of activism, he worked well with his learning partner and others to discuss key ideas, agree solutions and next steps. He listened carefully and was respectful of the opinions of others.

Year 6

Shevonne for offering forgiveness. Shevonne has shown that she is able to say sorry first and mean it and is willing to forgive, let it go and not be resentful or hold grudges.

Maya for being a peacemaker. Maya has shown that she is welcoming and inclusive. She is open to maintaining friendships with others and will try to negotiate and solve problems or issues.

Nicole for being humble. Nicole is willing to use her talents to the benefit of others as well as knowing the importance of learning from others.

Damifunre for being an effective investigator. Damifunre has shown that he is trying hard to more actively listen when working on various tasks during lessons.

Florence for being an information processor. No matter the topic or task, Florence has shown that she is consistently able to organise key information she has been given, then plan and finish tasks to a high standard.

Feranmi for being a reflective evaluator. Since the first few weeks of term, Feranmi has shown a steady improvement in his learning behaviour, particularly around his listening and following of instructions.

14th October 2022


Year 1

Caleb for being a pro-active social thinker.  Caleb has been recognising how he feels about something and he tells his friends when they have upset him.

Prosper for being an active communicator.  Prosper has been telling people when something is upsetting him in order to reach a resolution.

Fidelia for being an information processor.  Fidelia has applied her learning in maths to find a solution to our maths challenge.

Isaiah for being a self-manager.  Isaiah makes sure that he is always ready for learning activities.

Albert for being a peacemaker.  Albert always considers the needs and feelings of those around him.

Precious for being a peacemaker.  Precious has been listening and responding co-operatively to others.

Peter for being humble.  Peter has taken and acted on advice from adults.

Terrell for offering forgiveness.  Terrell has forgiven others when they have apologised for their mistakes.


Year 2

Harry for being an independent learner. Harry is trying hard to stay focused and working independently. 

Lynette for being a self-manager. Lynette works independently, stays focused and always makes the right behaviour choices. 

Mireya for offering service to all. Mireya is always trying to keep the class tidy after other children have stopped working.

Leo for being truthful. Leo will always admit when he has done the wrong thing and will work to put it right.

Year 3

Arabella for being an independent learner. Arabella works to the best of her ability and shows the right attitude towards her learning. 

Sebastian for being a self-manager. Sebastian is able to work within a given timeframe and asks for help when needed.

Charlotte for being an active communicator. Charlotte is working hard whilst at school and has greatly improved her communication skills.

Maria for being truthful. Maria will speak the truth even if it is hard, taking responsibility for her actions and accept what happens next. 

Eloise for being truthful. Eloise will speak the truth even if it is hard, take responsibility for her actions and accept what happens next. 

Ivy for offering compassion. Ivy is always kind and will help others without being asked.

Year 4

Tessa for being a self-manager. Tessa has been consistent in all of her homework. She has been writing fantastic summaries of the books she has been reading at home to improve her reading skills. Eli for being an active communicator. Eli really worked hard in our RE lessons this week. He actively contributed in group work about the retelling of the story of Ruth and used bible paintings to help aid his written work. Darasimi for being an information processor. Darasimi has worked really hard this week in English and has put great effort into his written work in English.

Maya for offering compassion. Every morning that Maya arrives at school, she greets her teachers and shows compassion by checking with how they are with a big smile on her face. Molly for offering service to all. Molly has been a fantastic learning partner. She has been supportive, collaborative, and helpful when others need it. Max for being humble. Max has been leading by example with his manners and readiness for work without needing recognition or praise.   

Year 5

Isabel for being a reflective learner. Isabel actively contributes to class discussions and she has been reflecting on her work really carefully during self-assessment tasks.

Nathaniel for being an independent learner. Nathaniel is able to use the 5Bs effectively and improve his learning by reflecting, reviewing and acting upon the feedforward advice when given.

Matthew for being a self-manager. Matthew is beginning to take more responsibility for his work and is trying very hard to be an effective learner by being organised and ready for the lessons.

Edward for showing faithfulness. Edward was able to express his views beautifully explaining how we should value our uniqueness and how it helps us as a child of God.

David for offering service to all. David has made significant progress since he joined our school showing our school values more consistently, especially by being a good role model to everyone in class with his behaviour choices and by being a better learning partner.

Mya for being truthful. Mya has shown good awareness of her strengths, talents and qualities in her written work in RE but also was honest about her weaknesses and admitted how she could do better.

Year 6

Orla for being an active communicator. Orla is willing to listen to the ideas of others, as well as put her own ideas forward, during group activities.

Joshua F for being a pro-active social thinker. During our RE lessons, Joshua has worked effectively this week to take the lead within the group he was working with, he was also able to take on a number of different roles within the group.

Nancy for being a pro-active social thinker. During our RE lessons, Nancy has worked effectively this week to take the lead within the group she was working with, she was also able to take on a number of different roles within the group.

Azoma for demonstrating faithfulness. Azoma continuously demonstrates that he lives by the Beatitudes and therefore embodies the values of the school, particularly in how he engages and responds during discussion work in RE.

Valentina for being humble. Valentina is always willing to give up her time and speak to those who need help; she demonstrated this attitude this week by spending time working effectively with her learning partner.

Wila for demonstrating forgiveness. Wila demonstrated this week that he is willing to accept when someone makes a mistake and can quickly put this behind him and move on.

7th October 2022


Year 1

Miracle for being a peacemaker.  Miracle apologises when she makes a mistake and offers practical solutions to make things better.

Michelle for forgiveness.  Michelle lets her friends know how she feels in order to be able to forgive them for their mistakes.

Giga for being humble.  Giga listens to suggestions given to him that will help him at school.

Theon for being an active communicator.  Theon listens to what is said to him so that he knows what he needs to do so that he can enjoy conversations with his friends.

Kathy Theresa for being a self-manager.  Kathy Theresa sets goals for herself and carefully selects the resources that she needs to achieve the goal.

Louisa-Grace for being an independent learner.  Louisa-Grace challenged herself with her learning this week, to ensure that she was choosing jobs she needed to think about, without the help of an adult.

Year 2

Dylan for being a self-manager. Dylan has been improving his behaviour during learning sessions and is now showing others how they should be behaving on the carpet.

Maya for being an independent learner. Maya shows active listening and learning skills. She stays focused and completes class challenges quickly.

Grace for being a peacemaker. Grace has been trying to help solve an argument between her group members.

Jade for being humble. Jade helped the Year 2 teaching team without expecting praise or reward.


Year 3

Shwetha for being a pro-active social thinker. She works really well in groups and tries hard to give constructive feedforward advice to others to help them learn. 

Esmee for being a pro-active social thinker. She supports her peers with their learning and is an excellent team player.

Annabel for being a self-manager. She works hard to finish work within a given time and pushes herself to write more.

Mason for offering compassion to others. He is considerate of others and is able to share (he gave a gift to someone that he bought with tokens).

David for offering compassion. He offers help and support to others and shares with his peers.

Gabriella for showing faithfulness. She has brilliant ideas and participates well within RE lessons. 

Year 4

Amelia for service to all. Amelia has been a fantastic learning partner. She has been supportive, collaborative and helpful when others need it.

Ini for being humble. Ini has been leading by example with his manners and readiness for work without needing recognition or praise. 

Melanie for being a self-manager. Melanie has consistently produced great homework. She has been writing fantastic summaries of the books she reads at home.

Jeremy for being an active communicator. Jeremy really worked hard in our RE lesson about the story of Abraham. He actively contributed in group work and performed in his group's drama performance. 

Mikaela for being an information processor. Mikaela created a fantastic fact file about Alexander Bell. She presented her work beautifully and made conscious, clear choices in her work. 


Year 5

Cian for being an independent learner. Cian is beginning to use the 5Bs effectively in all lessons. He regularly reviews his learning and acts upon feedforward advice without any prompting. 

Cristina for being a creative thinker. Cristina has been creative both in Science and Forest Schools. In group work she used her imagination and suggested ideas to create leaf art and a poster about space.

Isabella for offering service to all. Isabella has been a great learning partner and has supported her partners continuously by offering explanations and sharing good examples. 

Maisie for showing compassion and faithfulness. Maisie always shows a kind and caring attitude even when she is having a bad day. She shows her faith by being hopeful and offering prayers to those in need. 

Jebishan for offering service to all. Jebishan is an excellent role model to others in class and offers help when his learning partners are stuck on their task. 

Year 6

Zakk for demonstrating faithfulness. During times of prayer and worship, Zakk has demonstrated faithfulness by showing reverence.

Adele for demonstrating faithfulness. During times of prayer and worship, Adele has demonstrated faithfulness by showing reverence.

Nicole for demonstrating faithfulness. During our RE learning, Nicole was willing to share her faith with others to help them learn by contributing well during an analysis of scripture.

Orla for being humble. Orla has been humble as she is kind and willing to help others without being asked. Furthermore, she has been humble in accepting that she has to miss certain activities following a recent injury.

Rebecca for being a self-manager. Rebecca has been a self-manager during our spelling work as she was willing to carefully listen to and then follow the instructions she was given.

Eliana for being a pro-active social thinker. Eliana has been working actively by leading and working well with others; in the past week, for example, she has been an excellent learning partner by discussing her understanding clearly to her partner.


23rd September 2022


Year 1

Michelle for being a self-manager.  Michelle persevered in reading written instructions and testing out her ideas until she was successful.

Miracle for being a problem solver.  Miracle worked well on making her bird feeding bazooka independently.

Natasha for being an active communicator.  Natasha has found an adult and asked appropriate questions to help her to find the information that she needs.

Gabriel for being a peacemaker.  In all learning this week, Gabriel has taken time to listen to all members of the group and shown that he has considered their ideas.

Josiah for showing compassion.  Josiah has been considerate of the feelings of others and has been thinking of kind ways to make others happy.

Daniel for offering service to all.  After making his cake, Daniel chose to share it with others.

Year 2

Uriah for being an independent learner. Uriah has stayed focused on his own learning project for two weeks and has worked independently to solve problems when his project became challenging.

Leo for being a creative thinker. Leo has worked really hard to come up with ideas on how to create a rainforest in class.

Michaela for being an effective investigator. Michaela actively communicated her ideas and tried hard to ask questions that helped her with her learning.

Bella for offering service to all. Bella went out of her way to help everyone without the need for reward.

Chisom for faithfulness.  Chisom has shared her faith with her friends through creating a piece of artwork to show her own beginnings.

Promise for being humble. Promise listened to his friends and took on board their ideas. He has made a real effort to learn from his friends.


Year 3

Zachariah for being truthful. He has shown that he is honest about his opinions in class and when he has made mistakes he will admit to them and try to learn from them.

Joanne for being humble. She has shown excellent manners, always saying please and thank you and is supporting her friends with work.

Lucy for showing compassion. She has supported the new children in the class and helped them when she can. 

Faith for being a self-manager. She has demonstrated this by working really hard and trying her best to work things out on her own without needing adult support.

Esmee for being an active communicator. She participates extremely well in class discussions, sharing her ideas clearly. She also listens well to instructions and completes the task asked of her. 

Abigail for being a self-manager. She is a motivated and resilient learner, and is extremely focused to get the work finished within a given time. 


Year 4

Isaac F for being an active communicator. Isaac has consistently shared his ideas and thoughts to contribute to group and partner work discussions without being called upon. He speaks clearly and confidently when participating and shows consideration to others when his peers are talking.

Tilly for being a pro-active thinker. Tilly is a fantastic role model to others with her attitude towards her learning. She consistently tries hard when completing all her work and overcomes problems using a systematic approach.  

Aiden for being an independent learner. Aiden has tried very hard to stay focused during learning and has become more independent in his own work. He is actively communicating within group and partner discussions. 

Ethan for offering service to all. Ethan has helped his peers this week without expecting any recognition for his actions. 

Elliot for offering compassion. Every morning when Elliot arrives at school, he greets his teachers and shows compassion by checking how they are. 

Tamilore for being humble. Tamilore will always lead by example by listening to others, working very hard in all her lessons and she follows instructions without expecting recognition or praise. 


Year 5

Michelle for being a creative thinker. Michelle was very imaginative in her art work when we were working on our school values and represented faithfulness beautifully using different approaches with painting. 

Benediktas for being an information processor. Benediktas has shown excellent skills in making links between the key information when we were learning about maps. Using a range of sources, he explained clearly how land use changes over time and what causes it. 

Stan for being an active communicator. Stan has actively participated in group and class discussions by sharing his ideas and knowledge about maps. He has also been an active listener and asked a number of good questions related to the topic.

KJ for offering service to all. KJ always shows excellent manners towards his adults and is very supportive towards his friends. KJ never misses an opportunity to offer a helping hand.

Oma for offering forgiveness. Oma is always willing to give someone a second chance when things go wrong. She will always accept an apology to reconcile her relationship with her friends.

Hattie for showing compassion. Hattie is growing to be a mature, kind and caring person. She is thoughtful towards her friends and will support them when they need help.


Year 6

Wila for being an independent learner. Since the first week of term, Wila has consistently worked to the best of his ability and ensured to complete tasks to a good standard.

Joshua F for being an independent learner. Since the first week of term, Joshua has consistently worked to the best of his ability and ensured to complete tasks to a good standard.

Valentina for being a self-manager. From the very beginning of term, Valentina has shown that she is a focused, responsible and resilient learner.

Oscar for demonstrating faithfulness. During times of prayer and reflection in class, Oscar consistently demonstrates that he is willing to put Jesus at the centre of all that he does.

Abigail for being humble. During our first swimming session, Abigail accepted that this was a skill she needed support with; she supported others around her and remained positive throughout the entire process.

Olivia for being a peacemaker. Olivia radiates peace in her conduct around the school. She is willing to offer friendship, shares openly with others and is consistently truthful.
