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Our Lady's Catholic Primary School

Jesus the teacher guides our every step

Pupil Leadership

RE Pupil Leaders 24/25


The children have recently met to review and their progress from last year.

The children have also created their new plan for this year.

RE Pupil Leaders 23/24

Our pupil leadership group for RE are the RE Leaders.  They are made up of children from Years 3-6 and meet regularly to act on the goals they have set out on their action plan.


The RE leaders have organised and run a cake sale. They would like to thank everyone for their cake donations for their support of the Easter Egg raffle - the school raised £417 from both events. This money will be going to the three charities the RE pupil leaders advocated for: Cafod, Fr Henry’s initiative to help pay for a year of education for a pupil, and Cancer Research.  

The RE Leaders began this academic year by creating a prayer group to support the younger children of the school to learn some key prayers.  They meet with the younger children weekly, and have created a timetable to ensure that more children have a fair chance of attending their group.


In addition to this, they have created and set up four prayer stations around the school, one for each type of prayer:  Thanksgiving, Adoration, Petition and Sorrow.  The crosses for the prayer stations were designed and created by the KS2 children as part of our day of prayer, and the RE Leaders have incorporated them into dedicated prayer spaces.  After noting that some children may benefit from some guidance in how to use these, the RE Leaders delivered an assembly offering some information about this. You can see their work in the images and documents below.


Charitable organisations have been identified by the RE Leaders as something they would like to fundraise for, and they have reached out to the school community for their suggestions as to how this money can be raised.
