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School Logo

Our Lady's Catholic Primary School

Jesus the teacher guides our every step

Useful Information


If your child is sick please ring the school on the morning of the first day of absence.  When your child returns to school please send in a note addressed to the class teacher explaining the reason for his / her absence.  All absences must be covered by a written note.

Medical appointments

Please notify the school in advance by letter of any appointments your child has.  If you collect or return your child after morning or afternoon registration, please come to the school office to sign them in / out.

Lost property

We encourage the children to become responsible for their belongings and to keep them safely in class or their school bag.  Please ensure all of your child's belongings are named as this enables us to return it to them when found.  Lost property is placed in the trunk in the gazebo on the school playground.  At the end of each term, any unclaimed items are usually disposed of. 

If there is a specific item that cannot be found, please mention it to the class teacher and they will attempt to locate it.


There is no parking available on the school site, this is reserved for staff and visitors to the school.  There is plenty of parking at St. Anselm's Church and we ask parents to use this and walk round to the school.  We ask that parents are considerate of the school's neighbours.

Change of details

It is important that we have up to date contact details for each child in case we need to contact their parent or carer.  If these change please come to the front office to inform the office staff or send in a letter.


We use the school app and the website for parent communication (emails & text messages) and parents' evening bookings.  Emails from the school will come from


If you are not able to receive emails but would like your mobile number registered to receive text messages, please fill in your mobile number to authorise this.

Who to talk to

If you have any worries or concerns about your child please make an appointment to speak with their class teacher.  If they are not available, Miss Quinn, Mrs Minchin and Mr Shepherd are always available to meet with parents.  To arrange an appointment to speak with a member of staff please speak to the school office.
