Physical Education
We ensure that all children have two hours of taught every week and ensure that children are physically active for sustained periods of time. We also endeavour to ensure that children have access to 30 minutes of daily physical activity through the daily mile and dancing after break times. We use the Sports Premium to ensure PE has a high priority throughout the school. The aim of physical education is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Children are taught to observe the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators.
Children take part in games, gymnastic movement, dance and athletic activities using indoor and outdoor environments where appropriate. Children can take part in after school clubs and have the opportunity to compete against other schools. This year the focus in on the teaching of basic skills so that all children are able to access the curriculum at all times. Year 4 pupils swim throughout the academic year and any child who cannot independently swim 25 metres has intervention sessions in Term 6.