Year 5 Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School is founded on faith in Jesus Christ and the life of the school community is centred in His presence.
This is our mission.
Our trust in God is indestructible as we always worship God and respect His glory.
Understand and observe Jesus’ teachings and guide others to do the same through love and care.
Respect each other in class, care for people who help us and our elders and show them we can be good role models.
Listen to everyone and treat them how you want to be treated.
Appreciate everyone’s differences and accept that everyone learns at different paces and through their unique gifts.
Develop our own learning by being learning champions and share our learning with our parents.
Yearn for the well-being of everyone in school.
Show our support to everyone in our school, in our parish and community to meet the needs of those who need us and work together to solve the problems.