Religious Education
As a Catholic School, 10% of the timetable is dedicated to RE; this is taught using the Come and See scheme. EYFS and KS1 pupils study for 2 ¼ hours a week and KS2 for 2 ½ hours a week. Pupils’ understanding of key religious rituals, ceremonies and what this means in terms of their own lives are explored. The teaching of Scripture is a key priority and is taught across all year groups. Three weeks per year are devoted to the teaching of other religions: Judaism, Sikhism and Islam; pupils respect and are interested in the teachings of other faiths.
We use Journey in Love as our Sex and Relationship scheme of work which is recommended by Southwark Diocese.
Extract from Section 48 Inspection (June 2017)
Our Lady’s is an outstanding Catholic school. It is a warm, welcoming school with an ethos deeply rooted in Gospel Values. The distinct Catholic identity is evident in the displays throughout the school and the many opportunities for prayer. Relationships between staff, governors, parents and pupils create a confident, secure and nurturing community. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding.