Creative Arts
The Creative Arts consist of Music and Art and are taught through themed days every term. Teachers are then expected to ensure that Art and Music is taught cross-curricular as well, to develop and apply key skills. We have the Arts Mark Award at silver level.
In Art, children have opportunities to all art disciplines. This year we will be focusing on collage, digital art and sculpture. They are taught the skills and techniques and then given the opportunity to practise them to produce individual and group pieces of work. Children are encouraged to critically evaluate their own work and that of others in order to learn from their experiences.
In Music, the school has a long tradition of musical activity, offering considerable opportunities for children to develop their talents in all aspects of music including composition, singing and appreciation. We use the Bubble Scheme of Work to help teachers develop pupils’ music skills. Year 3 pupils are taught the ukulele for a year by visiting peripatetic teachers. Our choir also sings regularly at a variety of local events.