School Masses
Ascension Mass
The Ascension is a holy day of obligation and is celebrated on the 40th day of Easter. It commemorates Jesus’s ascension into heaven, and we therefore celebrated Mass with Father Tolhurst at St Anselm’s church.
The Mass was led by Year 5, who read the readings and also wrote and read the intercessions for the Mass.
St George's Day Mass
The children in St George’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St George’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
St Patrick's Day Mass
The children in St Patrick’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St Patrick’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
St David's Day Mass
The children in St David’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St David’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
Advent Mass
In preparation of our Lord's birth, Year 3 led the school in celebrating the Advent Mass. The children wrote the bidding prayers for the Mass and read the readings.
At the end of Mass, the Knights of St Columba spoke with us and presented awards to the winners of an art competition all the children had taken part in.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates Mary, who was without sin and chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus.
We celebrated Mary with a Mass at St Anselm’s Church, with Year 4 preparing the bidding prayers and leading the readings.
St Andrew’s House Mass
The children in St Andrew’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St Andrew’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
All Saint’s Mass
We celebrate All Saint’s day to remember saints and all of those who have died. We attended Mass as a whole school at St Anselm’s Church.
Year 5 children helped to prepare and celebrate the Mass by writing the prayers of intercession and doing all of the the readings. Many of our Year 5 parents also joined the school for Mass to support their children.
Harvest Mass
Our Harvest Mass was led by Year 2, who did the readings and also wrote and read the intercessions for the Mass at St. Anselm's Church. All classes in the school collaborated to provide a gift of food to be shared among the local parish community, which was presented at the Mass.
Welcome Mass
To welcome all of our new staff, new Recpetion class and any other new children to our school, we held a Welcome Mass at St Anselm's Church. It is a great way to start our academic year and to ask God for His help and guidance in making this year a success for us.
The Mass was led by Year 6, who read the readings and also wrote and read the intercessions for the Mass.
St Peter and St Paul
The Feast of St Peter and St Paul is a solemnity, which is the highest rank for a liturgical feast. It celebrates the Saints Peter and Paul. St Peter was a disciple of Jesus and chosen by Christ to lead the church. St Paul had originally persecuted Christians, before experiencing a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. St Peter and St Paul helped to establish the Catholic Church.
We marked the feast day with a Mass at St Anselm’s, led by the Year 5 children.
Ascension Mass
Ascension Day is the 40th day of Easter, and commemorates Jesus’s ascension into heaven. We celebrated Mass with Father Tolhurst at St Anselm’s church.
St George’s House Mass
The children in St George’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St George’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
St Patrick’s House Mass
The children in St Patrick’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St Patrick’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
St David’s House Mass
The children in St David’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St David’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates Mary, who was without sin and chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus.
We celebrated Mary with a Mass at St Anselm’s Church, with Year 6 leading the readings.
St Andrew’s House Mass
The children in St Andrew’s house worked together to prepare a Mass to mark St Andrew’s day. This included reading, preparing bidding prayers, and leading a hymn.
All Saint’s Mass
We celebrate All Saint’s day to remember saints and all of those who have died. We attended Mass as a whole school at St Anselm’s Church.