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Our Lady's Catholic Primary School

Jesus the teacher guides our every step

Year 1

Year 1 explicit teaching use continuous provision to ensure that the National Curriculum expectations are met. Learning will become progressively more structured as your child moves through the school. We are lucky enough to have access to an outdoor learning environment and forest school, which children are able to access daily. This allows for extra learning opportunities which we could not offer with just our indoor classroom.


To support independent learning, children will generate their own ideas for project learning work and through this approach the National Curriculum subjects are delivered. We find that by using a child initiated approached children are much more engaged with their learning and are happier to face challenging work. Project learning gives children the space to follow their own interests and hobbies, learn from their peers and develop effective social skills.  Children are introduced to the idea of talking and reflecting upon what they have learnt and how this will help them in the future - a skill they will need further up the school and for future life. They become aware that good learners use a specific set of learning behaviours. 


Children are regularly rewarded for good choices in their general and learning behaviour. 


No two days are the same in Year 1 and we are excited to see what ideas the children will bring us today!
