Extracts from OFSTED inspection, February 2020
Pupils are very enthusiastic about their school. One said : Teachers make learning really fun Pupils are part of a close knit community. They describe it as being part of a family. Pupils develop strong friendshi ps and support each other. They uphold the values and ethos of the school very well. Pupils are happy and feel safe.
Extracts from RE inspection, June 2017
Our Lady’s is an outstanding Catholic school. It is a warm, welcoming school with an ethos deeply rooted in Gospel Values. The distinct Catholic identity is evident in the displays throughout the school and the many opportunities for prayer. Relationships between staff, governors, parents and pupils create a confident, secure and nurturing community. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding.
The extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic life of the school is outstanding. The Mission Statement is central to the life of the community. Pupils have written their own class mission statements to show their understanding of how it can be lived by them. A distinctive Catholic ethos permeates every aspect of daily school life. Relationships are excellent. One pupil said “We do not just care about others. We pray about them to God.” Children demonstrate a good understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions. Behaviour is exemplary and is regularly rewarded. Most pupils resolve conflicts quickly and show respect for each other. Pupils are excellent ambassadors for the school.