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Our Lady's Catholic Primary School

Jesus the teacher guides our every step

Curriculum statement

At Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School we believe that high quality provision of teaching and learning in science provides children with the foundation to understand the world around them. Science encompasses nearly every aspect of life so knowledge and understanding of science has implications for their lives today and is essential to the world’s future. Science at Our Lady’s is taught in accordance with the National Curriculum 2014 and we use the Kent Scheme of work as a basis for our planning. Science is taught as a discrete subject however we make many links to other areas of the curriculum when relevant.


We believe science should develop children’s curiosity, creativity, thinking skills and the ability to question. We want them to acquire specific skills and knowledge to help them think scientifically and gain an understanding of scientific processes and phenomena through enquiry and investigations.


It is our vision to instil a lifelong love of science within our pupils and make them excited about science. We do this through teaching a progressive curriculum that provides pupils with wider opportunities and enrichment, makes links to other subjects and is relevant to our school and the needs of our pupils.


Lessons are well planned and engaging and include many opportunities for questioning, researching, observing and investigations. At the start of each topic, teachers take time to establish prior knowledge and what the pupils want to find out through concept maps. Key vocabulary is modelled throughout lessons enabling the pupils to become familiar with and use vocabulary accurately. We build on the learning and skill development from previous years and working scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure theses skills are being developed throughout the pupils’ school career. Good scientific equipment and resources are used to support and enhance lessons.


Assessment takes place regularly to identify gaps in learning within lessons. Teacher and pupil self-assessment at the end of topics also takes place through post-learning tasks. These tasks show clear progression and pupil’s new found knowledge and understanding.

Children enjoy their science experiences and are motivated, excited and enthusiastic about learning. They develop skills such as questioning, observing, gathering and recording data and evidence and drawing conclusions. They can work collaboratively and independently. Children learn through varied and first hand experiences of the world around them. Science gives them a richer understanding of the world, aspirations to see them through to further study and knowledge that science changes lives and will impact their future.
